In a rut (Read 119 times)


    Lately I've had a hard time getting out and running. I think the weather turning cold again has really effected my running habits. What are some of the things y'all do to stay motivated?

      For me, who runs almost exclusive on the roads, mixing in a new trail run almost always does it for me. Don't think about distance or pace or anything, just hop in the woods and run around for a while. Sometimes I'll stop and look around. Whatever, you're in the woods, nobody cares (nobody cares about your running anyway, but running seems especially silly in the woods to me), and I end up feeling refreshed/rejuvenated after that, ready to recommit to running.


      Or anything different really. Shake it up.

      Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
      We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

        Sign up for a race.  Even if it is not a goal race, I am almost always more motivated to train when I have a race to look forward to.


        English Villain

          Do you do any other training? If I get into that cycle I concentrate more on my cardio classes, swimming and the gym until I get my mojo back.


            I'm running in a half marathon at the end of next month I have been training for. I'm really looking forward to it, but I can't get out of the slump. Maybe I'm putting to much pressure on myself with training. Who knows.


            Sign up for a race.  Even if it is not a goal race, I am almost always more motivated to train when I have a race to look forward to.



              I know the feeling. Do you run solo all the time? See if there's a local running store that does free group runs. Sometimes that can change things up.

              Half Fanatic #9292. 

              Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


                I don't really, mostly just been focusing on running and my family. We are doing off season workouts with the football team I coach and I've been working out with them some doing sprints and core work. I've got twin 2 year olds that take up a lot of time but I still am finding time to run, and I feel really good when I get done running. I just have to force myself to go some days. Back during the fall I would get up early and go run before work and I really liked that, but with the weather ice changed my schedule some to run dieting the warmer part of the day and to give me more time for longer distances. Maybe I just need to get back into running less in the mornings.


                Do you do any other training? If I get into that cycle I concentrate more on my cardio classes, swimming and the gym until I get my mojo back.


                  I live in a really small rural town and everyone around here thinks I'm crazy running like I do anyway, which I might be. I've got a really great 9 mile run that I do and can increase it by running roads over again. If I get off our ridge to run it gets a little dangerous and if I drive somewhere else to run it adds quite a bit of time to a pretty busy schedule. My county isn't known for its physical fitness so I also don't really know of any other places to run. I know I need to change something but I don't really know what.


                  I know the feeling. Do you run solo all the time? See if there's a local running store that does free group runs. Sometimes that can change things up.


                  Half Fanatic 12680

                    I am also a morning runner and I find that the longer I wait to go out in the morning, the more my motivation is sapped. I've gotten a bit tougher and run in all kinds of conditions now. I used to say my limit for cold was 25 degrees, but now I will run in 15 degree weather (it doesn't get colder than that in NJ). I have Yaktrax so I can run in the snow. I've found that if I layer up and go out, it is not really so bad and I feel even better after running in tough conditions. The secret is to just go out and do it first thing in the morning and not wait for motivation.


                     Back during the fall I would get up early and go run before work and I really liked that, but with the weather ice changed my schedule some to run dieting the warmer part of the day and to give me more time for longer distances. Maybe I just need to get back into running less in the mornings.





                      Trails - crosstraining - races - group runs  are all good ways to get out of a rut.

                      Tai Chi  helps me stay out of a rut. If you practice your whole life you will never be perfect.

                      Three years ago I got out of a rut by running 25k and 30k trail races.

                      This year I am running more grand prix races. Most of my old raceing friends are running the grand prix so I don't see them much anymore.

                      So far I have run three grand prix races. This weekend a friend and I won our AG again just like we have done over the last 20 years. Tradition.


                        Trails - crosstraining - races - group runs  are all good ways to get out of a rut.

                        Tai Chi  helps me stay out of a rut. If you practice your whole life you will never be perfect.

                        Three years ago I got out of a rut by running 25k and 30k trail races.

                        This year I am running more grand prix races. Most of my old raceing friends are running the grand prix so I don't see them much anymore.

                        So far I have run three grand prix races. This weekend a friend and I won our AG again just like we have done over the last 20 years. Tradition.


                          Get injured. Nothing will increase your desire to run more than not being able to.



                          run, rest & read

                            Try out something different. Look into GMB, Animal Flow, MovNat or something similar. Moving your body through space in different ways is fun, and will help strengthen your body in new ways.


                              This might sound crazy, but consider a short-term running streak. Run every day, for a month, at least one mile. If you don't feel like running. go out for a walk and see what happens.