Miami 2009 (Read 362 times)

The shirtless wonder

    So who's running Miami this weekend? I'll be running the half. I ran the half last year too.
      I ran the full last year but this year I'll just be cheering others on. I'm planning to be around mile 23 so if anyone is running the full let me know so I can look out for you! I'll be wearing my white RA tank top Smile The weather looks good for the race- a little warmer than what we've been experiencing this past week- sunny with race start temps around 60 and the daytime high around 75. Good luck Greg!

      The shirtless wonder

        The weather was PERFECT! I had the best race I've ever had and I got a new PR.
          Congrats Greg! The weather was amazing. And while I was sad not to be running I had a great time cheering people on. I had biked out to the course and had a few offers of runners wanting to buy my bike off me for that last 5K Smile