Running Forums (Read 427 times)

    I started reading forums online when I started running for motivation. I noticed over at another used-to-be-cool site that runners are just really good people. And you could get answers (good ones) to any question you wanted to ask, no matter how silly, obvious, or sickening... Because I had so much good luck on running forums I decided to visit a forum for my other passion (rock climbing). What a disappointment! I couldn't stand reading all the negative, arrogant and help-less posts on that forum. Many posts were good but WAY too many were unacceptable. Don't get me wrong; rock climbers are great people. And I love hanging with them, but this experience made me realize that the running forums have something really special. And thanks to all of you for that.

    One day at a time

      I agree with you! I've tried several different forums and ended up taking them off my Favorites list so I wouldn't click on them anymore and get annoyed! RA is a great place. Teresa