Spring Lake 5 RR (Read 308 times)

Prince of Fatness

    I’ve been running this race since the early 90’s. I’ve always thought that I could run a sub 35 there, since it is a fast flat course. The problem was that there were 8000 other runners, and not all believed in starting where they should, so it was always a struggle weaving a way around the other slower runners for the first mile. I just never got over the hump. This year was going to be different. I ran 2 races, a 10K and a HM, both PR’s. I was ready. So I decided to start up closer to the front and let it rip. So how did it go? Here are the splits. 6:48 6:52 6:46 6:58 6:50 Time was 34:14, a PR by over a minute. Every mile under 7 minutes. Nice! When I hit the first mile split, I told myself that this would be the day that I find out whether I can break 35. I just kept going, and yeah, I started to tire, but I had the endurance to keep pace. All those long runs are paying off. So there you go, 3 races this year, 3 PR’s. What’s next, sub 20 5K. I don’t know. I’m just enjoying the running. Let me also say that,considering the number of runners, the race organizers do a great job. i really don't know how they do it. This is a great race. Anyway, thanks for reading.

    Not at it at all.