Houston Marathon Eliminates Bib Transfer... (Read 486 times)

    This was one of the best things about this race and the only reason why I ran this race in January... Not a good change, though they increased the cap to 22,000 with 11,000 in the marathon and 11,000 in the half. Only ~5400 people ran the full, while 13,000 ran the half. My guess is the half sells out quickly but the marathon doesn't.. However, you only have from 7/17-7/31 to register at the price of $90 for the marathon. It goes up to $100 on August 1st. I'll be surprised if they hit 11,000 in the marathon... OK, I got rid of the BOO.... Still wish it had bib transfer...

    Good Bad & The Monkey

      Why should the race not eliminate bib transfers? I don't understand. Do you really think this one change will keep people from registering?
        No, it won't. But it was a nice feature to have since you need to sign up in July. It was one of the few big marathons that allowed this, so if a runner got injured they could at least get their money back and someone else could use the bib... That's all I meant. It still is a great race and I would consider running it again in 2010, but the lack of bib transfer will make me think twice about registering for it right away....

        Hey, nice marmot!

          I don't understand why you have to register in July. You can register in August, but it costs $10 more. You're already spending $90, what's another $10? Not a bad investment if you're that worried about getting injured or otherwise not being able to run. The thing I find strange is that they have equal numbers of full and half slots. If they want 22,000 slots, might they not be better off by offering 15,000 half and 7,000 full? There's usually a much stronger demand for the half than for the full (for races that offer both). Plus, offering 11,000 full spots for next year seems even more odd since you pointed out that less than 6,000 people ran the full this year. Wonder what makes them think participation will double for next year?



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