RIP Garmin (Read 296 times)


Interval Junkie --Nobby

    My Garmin FR610 has finally become unusable.


    For 9,300 miles it's been my constant buddy.  1,300 hrs of listening to it beep at me.  Almost 5 years to the day.  Not bad for the $250 I paid.


    Thought it might be interesting to put together a quick longitudinal review declining capabilities:


    1) The touch screen sensitivity area seems to have drifted.  I can no longer touch the "bottom" of the screen . . .which makes changing settings a frustrating challenge because to get to the menu you need to touch the bottom of the screen.


    2) Battery life isn't exceptional, but still good.  It more than carries me through a 3hr marathon.  Not sure if it would make it 4hrs anymore, though.


    3) The water-proofing is laughable.  Biking in the rain would cause the watch to freak out.


    4) The backside of the watch is pretty corroded.  This actually my second FR610, and the first one did not have this problem.


    5) The final problem that made the device unusable is actually the inability to charge it.  I don't mean the battery holding the charge.  I mean the tiny contacts on the charging cradle get corroded in the Summer because of sweat.  I've done many thing to clean them as best I can.  I have two, and removed the plastic around the contacts to get better contact between watch and cradle.  This worked for a while, but eventually more plastic gave way and the contacts now "float" -- which seems to have caused a short.  I also used a C-Clamp to apply more pressure on the cradle/watch.  This worked for a while but eventually became unreliable.  Currently, after cleaning with Isopropyl Alcohol and a q-tip, and clamping, it takes about 30mins of jiggling everything for the watch to start taking a charge.  And sometimes it stops -- occasionally I'll get the "negative charge" problem where the connection is so poor it actually just drains the battery.


    Before this final problem, mostly my experience with the FR610 was carefree.  Sure, there were a few minor issues, mostly frustrations getting watch to notice the Ant+ device to start a download, but a software update in the first year sorted that out.


    I've loved this watch.  And if #5 wasn't a design issue, I would gladly purchase another.  I don't use 90% of the features, but the touch screen to flip between displays is really nice.


    Just ordered a refurbished FR620 for $125.  Hope it lasts me just as long.


    If you have a Garmin Death story, please share.

    2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do


      Very sorry for your loss. Rest assured that its soul is now in another dimension waiting to be reincarnated, and because it was a virtuous watch for you, will most likely come back as a higher functioning machine, e.g. an Iwatch 8 or sexbot.


      My ancient Garmin 305 is still alive and kicking, though one of the up and down buttons no longer works. The original band disintegrated and it had to be amputated, and replaced with a new velcro one. Occasionally, it thinks and maps me as if I'm in Rhode Island instead of Atlanta. If and when it does kick the bucket, I might feel so much sorrow, I'll be hopping on its casket as its lowered into the lithium recycle bin at Home Depot.


      delicate flower

        Five years is four years longer than I got out of my 610.  I returned it to Costco after a year when the screen kept shutting off mid-run.  I got a 620, then sold it on eBay after a year of frustration (got back half of what I paid, so score!).  I was an early adopter to the 620 and had so many damn problems with that thing, but it was finally stable when I sold it to get a 920 for triathloning.  If you told me 18 months ago that the 920 would be single greatest thing ever, I would have laughed, but here we are.



          Wow! Congrats for enduring it for so long.


          I had to retire mine after about 5K because it was so difficult to charge and, when it did, it was wouldn't have lasted a marathon - at least at my pace. I didn't have waterproof issues but found the band uncomfortable and it would sometimes come apart and fall of my wrist.


          I've been very happy with my 620. The only issue is that it sometimes reboots during a run.

          Feeling the growl again

            I had a 201 that made it 7 years or so.  I've had good life from Garmin devices.

            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


              I've got two 305s that are 9 and 7 years old. They've both been back to the mothership (once each) for repair or replacement with refurbished unit (both of them had battery swelling). They are still going strong - but I don't really use them anymore since I got the 235 - I like it more as a "normal" all day watch.

              When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


                My first was a 210. I thought it was excellent functionally - had all the features I needed, without extra unnecessary complications. The only problems were (1) after the first few months, it took forever to pick up a signal, and (2) that damn finicky charging clip. The latter was particularly frustrating, because it would connect so it charged, but the computer would not recognize it to upload data. I could never figure that out, you'd think either it was connected or it wasn't. Had to go through a convoluted process involving jiggling, disconnecting & reconnecting, every time. Anyway, both issues got pretty aggravating, but not enough to justify buying a new one. It had also frozen up a few times; had to do a hard reset, but then back to normal. Finally after something less than 2 years, it froze up for good - no sequence of pressing/holding various buttons would bring it back to life.


                Bought a 220, and couldn't be happier with it. The charging base works perfectly. Still can take a while to pick up a signal, but with the internal accelerometer, I can start running without it. And the best feature is the bluetooth connectivity, to sync with the GC app on my phone & push out to RA. I hope this one lasts forever, I don't really need anything else in a running watch. If (when) it craps out, I'll probably try to buy another one rather than "upgrade". Read enough on these forums to believe that in the Garmin world, newer isn't necessarily better.



                  My first GPS was a Timex Speed + Distance watch about 15 years ago. It had a large pod that you strapped to your arm with the GPS in it. I didn't wear it for every run because I hated the armband. I just wore to measure a run once and then ran without the armband the next time I ran that route. The Garmin 305 was a huge improvement over the Timex.


                    ^^^ I had that same Timex.  It took forever to lock on to the GPS and I HATED the arm pod.

                    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                      When I started running I was offered one of those arm pod gps things. I had to turn it down.


                        I had a 201 that made it 7 years or so.  I've had good life from Garmin devices.


                        My 201 has been pretty reliable. I've had it since 2003 and it's still going strong though I didn't use it regularly until 2010—and that primarily on my bike. So far a minimum of 526 uses and 538 hours. (It's been used on more runs and rides, but I don't have a way to calculate the complete usage.)


                        It's a kind of a pain to upload the data though. I have to keep around an old computer with a serial port.


                        Cellcom 2012

                          My RIP Garmin story............


                          I had my Garmin Forerunner 305 in 2009, paid 158.00 at Wal-mart.  It was sent to Garmin for  a new battery in 2012.  for a new battery for 79.00.  This last year it has been taking so long to sync and connect when placed in it's cradle which caused me a lot of aggravation.  I'm by no means a fast runner but keeping track of my runs has kept running interesting for me and kept me motivated during the past years.  I started running 2007  at the age of 54 and still enjoy it.  Running also helped me lose 40+ lbs.


                          Just bought a Garmin Forerunner 25 and I'm loving it so far.  By the time I get back to my phone or computer it already transferred the information to the app and to Garmin Connect on my PC.  Amazing............I can't believe I put up with the aggravation for so long.  But you know, if it still works why would I get a new one, right?  Well now I know!


                          Just need to figure out what to do with the old Garmin, I feel bad throwing it away cause it still works.




                            Just ordered a refurbished FR620 for $125.  Hope it lasts me just as long.



                            I had a 610, loved it until it started to freeze during runs. I think it was because of my foot pod's battery being low. It only happened indoors. But with Boston coming up (2016) I didn't want to risk it NOT being a foot pod issue. Bought a 620 on huge discount (the 630 was out), sold the 610. It's still going I hear. The guy never had an issue with it.

                            I think you're going to prefer the 620. I do.


                              My RIP Garmin story............



                              Mine ... I had a 310xt for a few months. Was loving it for the battery life in ultras. Then, our 2 yo lab got a hold of it and bit a hole in the side.


                              I used it all that winter and spring and while sometimes it would get water in it, it kept working and would dry out fine. I thought about epoxying the hole but didn't get around to it (famous last words).


                              We went to Grand Cayman that summer and I went out for a hour run the first morning and got back to the hotel beach and that Caribbean looked so inviting ... bye bye 310xt.


                              I got another one shortly thereafter. Works great. I'd like to get one with BT sync but that's gotta wait a while. Meanwhile, GPS watches are now either kept on the wrist or tucked away around these parts.