Select run from courses? (Read 409 times)

Jazz hands!

    Hey Eric--I have a suggestion I've never seen mentioned before. It would be awesome if I could select to log a run from the map of that run. I run lots of different routes and weird variations on those routes and so I have tons of maps for all different lengths, and often end up looking through a few similar maps to find the route I ran that day. If there were a way to log a run on that route from the map--ie, if I clicked a button on the map, and it took me to the "new run entry" page with the "route" already filled in with what I'd just been looking at.


    Does that make any sense?


    I know you're busy, and it's certainly not stopping me from using the log or anything, but it would make my day.

    run run run AHHHHHH run run run
    eric :)

      Are these maps in your course list, or are you viewing them via the workout page?  If it's the former, it shouldn't be too hard to do.

      Jazz hands!

        I'm looking at them from the course list. Thanks!
        run run run AHHHHHH run run run