Is it just me.... (Read 618 times)

    I am running the Surf City 1/2 marathon tomorrow and I had to drive down today to pick up my race packet. I drove 65 miles each way on L.A. freeways to get my bib and t shirt, not even a goodie bag so to speak. The "expo" was the same people selling the same crap. I have never seen so many people in line to get a free box of minute rice! I would like to see either these big races allow race day pick up, even if it means pushing the race back by an hour and opening pick up at 4am or let me pay the race an additional $20 and send me my race packet and t shirt. I assure you they will have lots of takers for option #2. We'll see how race day goes...they are already warning of major parking problems. I'll report back later. Bob

    I fly.

      I agree - same day pick up would make my life easier too!

      Bring it on.

        Unless it’s a local marathon I always stay at a nearby hotel the night before. I can’t see driving 1+ hours and then running in a marathon.

        Res firma mitescere nescit
        Running in Tampa


          Well, for the record, from an org perspective, race day pickup is a huge pain in the ass for all but the smaller races. Surf City's full, half, and 5k involved over 18,000 runners. They already had to have volunteers show up very early for aid stations (because the roads were closed, the folks at the later mile aid stations still had to be there early). Trying to deal with tons of runners picking up stuff while ensuring the race starts on time would have been hard. And they would have needed a lot more people. Considering that the roads had to be closed for a specific period of time, that would have added huge stress... because that race really can't delay the start much because people are still in line. Anyway, I wouldn't want that race to start that race an hour later. It would have been HOT. Plus, the city probably would have laughed at the organizers wanting PCH closed an hour later (more traffic later in the day). That said, it is very uncool to have to drive that far just to pick up stuff. The goodie bag was lame, and the shirt was horribly lame. And the expo, while bigger than a few, is the same as it has always been... not very interesting to me either. Sigh. But we surely had a pretty day for a run. And you can NOT beat surf music at a race.



            And it was a super cool finisher's medal! Smile


            Runners run