PF Chang's RNR Arizona (Read 878 times)


    All the flights from where PerfesserR? Please don't say Philly....I can't bear the thought of that stadium being overrun by Eagles fans....

    Marathon Maniac #6740


    Goals for 2015:


    Run 3 marathons (modified:  Run 2 marathons--Lost Dutchman 02/2015 and Whiskey Row 05/2015)

    Run a 50-miler (Ran a 53.8 mile race 11/14/2015)

    Run 1,500 miles (uhhh...how about 1,400?)


    Stay healthy

    Imminent Catastrophe

      So, how'd it go?

      "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

       "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

      "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


      √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

      Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

      Western States 100 June 2016


      straw man

        It was a beautiful day. People from colder climates complained about the heat, but it couldn't have been expected to be any better. I haven't checked, but I don't think it got over 70 F. There was a little bit of headwind in a few places. I have a question, though, for the others who were out there. I was one of two pace group leaders for 4:15 marathoners. We finished with 4:14:10 on each of our Garmins, but our official results show 4:15:34. I've heard from one other person in the marathon, and someone else in the half that they had similar results. The longer the time, the greater the discrepancy, as if the "official" clocks were running significantly faster than they should have been. Did anyone else notice this?

        He who has the best time wins. Jerry


          i agree with JP on the weather. i live in chicago but grew up in southern cal so the "heat" didn't bother me at all. i thought it was a perfect day.. especially since i BQ'd. I'm GOING TO BOSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big grin i also agree on the weirdness of the discrepancy. my official results are stating that my gun time and chip time are the exact same, 3:40:04. uhm, i don't think so. that would require for me to be one of the first 25 people to cross the line and i was in corral 2. my garmin said 3:39:15 which is more accurate as it took me approximately 1 min to cross the line. in the end, it doesn't matter b/c i BQ'd regardless but there was definitely something "off" with the clocks. bummer for those who were trying to BQ and were squeezing by but the clocks are adding to their times , y'know?!???

            Congrats on the BQ! I thought the weather was pretty good. I didn't ever feel overheated, although I did get pretty parched around mile 24. (Completely my fault, since I skipped a water station thinking I didn't need it) I was definitely worried that it might be hot, since I was doing all of my training in significantly colder (and wetter) weather. Very nice to be able to run w/o all the extra clothes for a change. This was my first marathon, and it was a great experience. I'd hoped to hit around a 4:30 for a finish time, and my final chip time was 4:21:25 (official time was 4:22:29). I was actually pacing with the 4:15 group up until mile 20, when I stopped to give my wife a kiss where she was waiting with my Dad and stepmother to cheer me on. I did fade good bit over the last 6 miles, and the final 3-4 were very tough. I also noticed a timing discrepancy. My Garmin had me finishing with a time of 4:20:03, which was about a minute and a half faster than the chip time. I had been tracking the offset between my watch and the clocks posted at each mile marker. For the first few miles, I remember them being about 1m30s apart. At some point I noticed it change to about 2m30s off. At the time I chalked it up to poor math on my part, but now I wonder. In any case, a minute and a half is not a big deal for me for a first time out. It makes it that much easier to set a PR next time. I'm thinking maybe I should try again in a few months - maybe the Eugene marathon in May!

            straw man

              Hey, Jay! Congratulations on your first marathon! I probably saw you out there. What were you wearing? Did you talk to me? I was the guy in the blue shirt with PACE TEAM on it, carrying the 4:15 sign every couple of miles. My friend and training partner Jennifer carried the sign half the time. Since i didn't pay to register, and didn't have any goal except to lead people in at close to 4:15, my time's not that important to me. However, I am going to email Elite Racing about the timing error. They should correct this as soon as possible. I've never seen anything like this in a chip-timed race before. (And I have run more than a few races.) They take a lot of money from people to organize this race. To add time (minutes!) to runners' finish times is just wrong. I figure the more people who write to them about it, the more likely they are to fix it.

              He who has the best time wins. Jerry


                I was dressed pretty plainly: grey ASICS technical T-shirt, black adidas shorts, sunglasses, and a white 1997 ASU Rose Bowl hat. But I definitely saw you and your friend Jennifer. We're you the guy who asked if he'd found the 4:10 pacing team? I didn't really talk to anyone - but enjoyed the chatter in the group. Cool to find out that someone else on this forum was running right next to me!


                  The clocks were off in the 1/2 marathon also...Though not as big a discrepancy as you guys noted. I finished in 1:58:59 according to chip time, but I swore I was about 10-12 seconds faster than that. Again....Not a big deal for me, but it could be meaningful for others. MTA: Also, this is the first year they didn't use Champion Chip or something similar. It was these goofy "tag" things that I've never seen before. Of course, I'm not a racing expert by any means. Those things may be used all the time.

                  Marathon Maniac #6740


                  Goals for 2015:


                  Run 3 marathons (modified:  Run 2 marathons--Lost Dutchman 02/2015 and Whiskey Row 05/2015)

                  Run a 50-miler (Ran a 53.8 mile race 11/14/2015)

                  Run 1,500 miles (uhhh...how about 1,400?)


                  Stay healthy


                    i wrote the officials and they just wrote me back saying that all of the chip times have been updated. my chip time is now 3:39:11, even better than i thought Cool mta: azred, the goofy looking tags are the latest tracking device which (i suspect) will eventually replace champion chips altogether. i've used it in about 8 major races from the chicago shamrock shuffle last april to the philly marathon without any problems.