Running on Vacation/In a New Place (Read 741 times)



    Whatever you do, don't wear earphones. You need to stay alert. At all times. I have run all over the coutry by myself, majority being more rural, but some sketchy areas. Bring your cell phone.
    +1 Pepper spray can also be turned against you, so be careful carrying that. Be smart about where/when as well. Alone at night in a deserted part of town may not be as smart as in a busy park or in the morning.

    PRs: 27:26 5k/ 49:52 5mi/ 58:17 10k/ 2:09:24 half/ 5:13:17 Full

    Post-Bipolar PRs: 38:35 5k/ 1:09:34 8k/ 1:09:39 5mi/ 1:33:03 10k/ 3:20:40 Half


    2022 Goals

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      I don't have much to say here, except be mighty mighty mighty careful if you try to fly with pepper spray. First off, as noted, don't even try to take that in your carry on. This is a don't-pass-go ticket to the TSA pokey. You can *try* to put it in your checked bags... if it follows these guidelines: Mace/Pepper Spray - One 118 ml or 4 Fl. oz. container of mace or pepper spray is permitted in checked baggage provided it is equipped with a safety mechanism to prevent accidental discharge. (from http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibited/permitted-prohibited-items.shtm) This is one they take quite seriously, btw. If you try to check too much and/or have a little gizmo without a safety and they search your bag, that is also a don't-pass-go ticket to the TSA pokey. If pepper spray accidentally goes off in your bag, this may not be a big deal but it also might be a huge deal. Incidentally, pepper spray is legal in AZ. But for other folks reading this, note well that pepper spray is NOT legal everywhere. If you are going to an AZ town, you might consider hooking up with a local running club. They will almost assuredly have group runs a few times a week. If you are staying at a hotel, ask them about safe/unsafe places to run. And stick to running during the daytime. For lots of reasons, not the least of which is loose Jenner-eating dogs.


      Imminent Catastrophe

        Like SRLopez said. Some airlines prohibit pepper spray in checked luggage, and some allow them subject to the 4 oz. TSA limit that he quoted. Call your airline and ask. Don't try to sneak it in, or you will get on a list that you don't want to be on--for life! The area you are visiting is rural and not a high-crime area, I don't really think that you will be in much danger there like you might be in Tucson or Phoenix. I guess it would work against coyotes too Wink If you really feel you need it, you can buy it in AZ and discard it.

        "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

         "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

        "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


        √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

        Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

        Western States 100 June 2016

        Queen of 3rd Place

          I lived in Flagstaff for many years, and found out the scary way that some of the areas you'll visit can have problems with "res dogs" - feral dogs that sometimes form packs, so you might want to pick up some pepper spray for that reason. It's very unlikely you'll have any problems, enjoy your runs! Arla

          Ex runner

            Thanks again everyone for more great info, and thank you to srlopez for checking out the travel regs for me Smile It's sounding more and more like I'll just stick to the vicinity of the hotel/populated area, in the mornings, pay attention, etc. Save the exploring for day hikes instead.
            2009 Goals:
            PR 5K (Ha, current 43:10)
            Run a 10K
            Meet Seasonal Weight Loss Challenges
            Complete my first Sprint Tri

            Best Present Ever

              fasttalkingfatty -- email me at klaughon at virginia dot edu re:the syllabus ... jennervt -- enjoy your trip