Compton 40 mile Race Report (Read 412 times)

    Saturday saw my longest ultramarathon so far starting at a beautiful village called Compton near Oxford in the UK. It took us around some of the most picturesque villages and hills. You can read the race report here Enjoy

    A runners blog-updated daily

    Best Present Ever

      What a gorgeous race! Thanks for the report and congratulations.

      Options,Account, Forums

        The photos are beautiful; congratulations.

        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

        Sandi Sue

          Very nice report. Orange squash at the first stop?? Cantalope?

          Races for 2013:

          Kluane Bike Relay (4 legs 70 miles)

          Calgary 70.3 (72.3)

          Aukeman Sprint Triathlon 8/6/2013



          Pain is Temporary  Pride is Forever


            Here in the states, Compton is a very different kind of place. great report, thanks!


              Very nice report. Orange squash at the first stop?? Cantalope?
              Oops, I think you would call it cordial Blush

              A runners blog-updated daily

                Cordial From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Squash (drink), an extremely sweet non-alcoholic fruit flavoured drink concentrate that is diluted with water to taste. It is most popular in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. ________ I'm imagining McDonald's orange drink. mmmmm... McDonald's orange drink! (*dripping with sarcasm of course*) Great RR and photo's. Photo's in RR's are awesome. I wanna go to UK. Congratz on the race!

                Self anointed title

                  Furthest you have ever run I guess Jerry! Nice one.