Wordpress Widget? (Read 580 times)


    Hello, I've just started a blog on Wordpress.  I tried using the official scripts but discovered that they are not Wordpress friendly. 


    I did a search of the forums on this issue and I did locate a user (derek) who created what looks like a super widget for users of wordpress on self-hosted sites, but it doesn't appear to be usable for those of use with wordpress-hosted blogs (i.e. "myblog.wordpress.com").  I also checked Widgetbox.com but no luck.


    Does anyone know if there is a Wordpress-friendly widget available somewhere? I would LOVE to be able to pull cumulative distance/recent workouts onto my blog.




      If you can make a HTML widget on your Wordpress hosted blog, you should be able to paste in the blog scripts. I only briefly had my blog hosted at Wordpress so I can't remember if you're able to do this or not.
      PRs: mile: 4:30.2 3k: 9:00.8 5k: 15:33.4 8k: 25:50.3 10k: 32:57.7 13.1: 1:14:38.4 30k: 1:56:34.2 26.2: 3:52:14.8

        The problem seems to be that Wordpress doesn't allow javascript.
        eric :)

          I am planning to add more widgets and create a different way of displaying the widgets to get around this problem.

            that would be AWESOME Smile.


            However, you should also know that I switched to Blogger because I wanted my RA gadgets more than I wanted the nicer templates that WP offers.



            RA rocks.  Keep up the good work!

            Lazy idiot

              Lucky for you, the switch back to wordpress, should you choose to do so, would be painless (at least in my experience).

              Tick tock