How to pick up running chicks? (Read 894 times)


    Hi there, I am a 26 yo runner who is looking for ways to actually meet a nice girl who I can date and run with.


    So, do you guys have any tips?


    This is hard for me, I have never had a relationship with a girl before.

    Not dead. Yet.

      I guess if you see a girl on a run or at a race you want to talk to, you just get up next to them and say hi.  Ask how long her run is, or about her shoes, or anything.  If you are both running you should have some common ground to have a quick conversation.


      Easier said than done, though.  I've seen two like that this week and both time I ran right past.

      How can we know our limits if we don't test them?


        It's impossible to offer useful advice without knowing your 5k PR.

        The process is the goal.

        Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.


          Well I am no nantucket, I am running 38m 10ks, I talk to chicks all the time but none of them ever seem to want to goon running dates. What am I doing wrong, do I need new shoes every week or some thing?


            Running chicks tend to be lighter than regular chicks, but it's still a good idea to bend your knees and lift with your legs when picking them up.

              Well I am no nantucket, I am running 38m 10ks, I talk to chicks all the time but none of them ever seem to want to date running goons  What am I doing wrong, do I need new shoes every week or some thing?






                +1. Hi Harriet! What's a nice girl like you doing in a thread like this? Would you ever date a running goon?

                Not dead. Yet.



                  Well there's your answer.  Try not to be a goon.

                  How can we know our limits if we don't test them?


                    Sounds like a troll.


                      See, chick comes on here and just laughs. Are all running chicks like this?


                        See, chick comes on here and just laughs. Are all running chicks like this?


                        Keep calling them chicks and they'll come running to you.

                          running chick


                            What should I call them, running Gals?

                              They like to be called "dames."

                              "When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical. Is it raining? That doesn't matter. Am I tired? That doesn't matter, either. Then willpower will be no problem." 
                              Emil Zatopek


                              delicate flower

                                Try hitting yourself in the thumb with a hammer.  Running chicks like that.
