Log: Calendar view summary column mouse over (Read 416 times)

an amazing likeness

    I would love for the "Summary" column entries in the Calendar view to have a 'mouse over' effect similar to the daily entries in the calendar. The summary 'mouse over' pop-up for the week would have the total distance / # events / duration / average pace details behind the summarized event distance that is shown now.


    Also think a link in each day of the calendar to create a new workout entry directly from the calendar would be cool, so that when I'm staring at the calendar and see a missed day, I can add a new entry directly from that date with the date in the workout entry pre-filled.

    Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

    eric :)


      I was thinking about the same thing regarding the summary column.  Some users have so many activities that they overflow the box.


      As for creating a new workout from the calendar, just click on the date (the actual number).


      eric :-)