what would your running t-shirt say? (Read 1978 times)


    "I visited Scout's mom and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
    Now THAT was effing funny!!!!
      it had to be about Scout's mom. Nice.
      I'm trying to figure out what Scout's mom did to deserve this! Confused Or what did Scout do? Big grin


      Hawt and sexy

        Pacer Team Nice Ass

        I'm touching your pants.


          I always liked the "DFL>DNF>DNS" line.... And the classic: "Don't puke in the chute"

          Marathon Maniac #6740


          Goals for 2015:


          Run 3 marathons (modified:  Run 2 marathons--Lost Dutchman 02/2015 and Whiskey Row 05/2015)

          Run a 50-miler (Ran a 53.8 mile race 11/14/2015)

          Run 1,500 miles (uhhh...how about 1,400?)


          Stay healthy

            A list of all the answers listed in the "Running Cured My _________" thread.

            Another Passion

              Pack of Cigarettes $5 Pack of Nicoderm $35 Running my first 26.2 post quiting: Priceless when I run it I'm having the t-shirt made... Big grin
              I like this one, Jen. Smile

              "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
              "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                This is the one I had made for me and a couple of friends who ran the Arizona PF Chang's Rock & Roll Half Marathon back in January. This is a saying that my buddy read somewhere....... Don't Be a Tangerine!!!

                Keep the running and fitness up and keep the weight from coming back.

                Run more miles than last year.

                  Ride a horse. Save a runner.

                  Man in Tights

                    THERE IS NO FINISHING LINE

                    Maggie & Molly

                      SBBC *that was my motto when I started running - skiny b#%$& by Christmas - and it is on my running hats, a couple of shirts and in my head!!!!!

                       "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
                      Wisdom of Confucius

                      HF 4363

                        Back when I used to race cars I had team shirts made up with a saying that also applies to running: "If you have golf balls-golf. If you have real balls-race!" My team name was WOFTAM Racing, which reflected my wife's opinion, and stood for Waste OF Time And Money; when shje was really mad the F stood for something too. Simon.

                        PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                            10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


                        Another Passion

                          "Don't draft me or I'll flick boogers at your forehead." Big grin

                          "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                          "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


                            "16 weeks ago, this seemed like a good idea"

                            Cause I CAN

                              Mine wasnt that creative, just had my transplant date on the back and "I heart running" on the front
                              Liver Transplant - July 2, 1991
                                (Read on your best Pee Wee Herman voice) "My shirt doesn't SAY anthing. You have to READ it. Heh-heh." How about "Gingerbread Man" on the back. As in, "Run, run, as fast as you can ... You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man."