HM training in cold.. race day may be hot weather (Read 475 times)

De-slacking in progress

    I've been training for my first ever Half Marathon since Jan 1. Have been running in -9 degrees, snow, rain, sleet, hail.. you know this story- this winter has been cold. I love running in the cool weather and have had some of my best runs in the cold weather. So here I sit and today in Ohio the ground is once again covered in snow and 28 degrees with 15 mph winds. I don't think I've ran in any temps much over 50 degrees at all this year. This is my last real training week before the race on April 19th as next week before the race I will be doing a "taper" (at least not pushing it as hard mileage wise). Looking at the extended weather forecast the temps may jump back up into the mid 60's for temps on race day, which would be perfect running weather for a summer race. But then again it's Ohio- if you don't like the weather just wait 10 mins- it will change.Big grin My fear is that my body won't be acclimated to the warmer temps for race day and I will miss my goal time of 2 hrs or less for the 13.1 miles which would really upset me after all this miserable winter running I have done. I know without a doubt I can do the distance and am hoping for some race day magic if the temps are indeed a lot "hotter" Am I just having pre-race jitters and worrying about nothing or will a 20+ degree rise without acclimation affect my performance during the race?

    started running @ age 48 [lost 70#+, quit a 30 year pack/day habit>> ran HM]  Ran a few years then quit. Gained 70#+ back and smoking like before. Time to get healthy again @ 52 years over with the C25K program and beyond again. RE-start date 1-13-14


      Wrap up on a couple of your runs, add an extra layer so you run warmer. Not on every run, just one here and there. It doesn't take long to get used to warmth, a couple of runs will bring you up to snuff. You won't have an issue really unless the temps are unusually warm that day, like in the 80's or so.
        Hi slap, i am from Cleveland area .. so i hear you as looking out at snow an thinking about wheter to run outside or the dreadmill (did dreadmill last night and will probably run outside). I would not sweat (Pun intended) that difference in temp from training to run (Although have been thinking similiar thing for may 17th marathon .... hoping for a nice cool day but in NE ohio May can bring anything from 40's to mid 70's. Just make sure you dress accordingly...ie be like you feel underdressed at race start. my half Saturday i swore I was not going to overdress and it was like 40 but pretty windy (20 mph gust) so everyone was cold prerace and debated on wearing extra underarmour. Ended up going with short underarmour/tech shirt; 1/2 length underarmour shorts/shorts; mizuno hat/gloves and compared to others at race I felt/looked naked (most had full running pants/jackets) .... Was cold at start but by mile 2 felt good through mile 6 and actually felt hot. 2nd half ran without hat and gloves and was just about right. If mid 60's I would just go with running shorts and tech shirt. If forecast is mid 60's (probably high) race time tempo will probably be 50 - 55. To me ideal is 45 - 50 degrees.

        "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!

        Prince of Fatness

          If forecast is mid 60's (probably high) race time tempo will probably be 50 - 55.
          Exactly. Don't look at the high temps. In most cases the highs will occur hours after you are done. What time does the race start?

          Not at it at all. 


            I doubt temps in the 60's will have much if any effect on you. High 70's or 80's...well yeah. This is the same issue we New Englanders have every year training for Boston. There's not a whole lot you can do about it unless you can afford to take a week or two before the race and train down in Florida to try and acclimate. That's not an option for me so, IF the temps are in the 80's on Monday the 20th, I'll just throw my goal time out the window and take my beating like a man. There's nothing you can do about the weather so there's no sense worrying about it (easier said than done, I know.)

            Runners run

            Menace to Sobriety

              Get on the treadmill with an extra layer of clothes a day or two per week. The lack of air moving by you along with indoor temps will probably be enough to get you used to any warmer weather on race day.

              Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

              De-slacking in progress

                Exactly. Don't look at the high temps. In most cases the highs will occur hours after you are done. What time does the race start?
                Two things- the race is on a SUNDAY and the race starts at 1:00 p.m. Why they choose those two options is beyond meConfused Right now I've been playing around with fueling options due to the late start time Wrap up on a couple of your runs, add an extra layer so you run warmer. Not on every run, just one here and there. It doesn't take long to get used to warmth, a couple of runs will bring you up to snuff. You won't have an issue really unless the temps are unusually warm that day, like in the 80's or so. Get on the treadmill with an extra layer of clothes a day or two per week. The lack of air moving by you along with indoor temps will probably be enough to get you used to any warmer weather on race day. Thats a great idea- simple but effective

                started running @ age 48 [lost 70#+, quit a 30 year pack/day habit>> ran HM]  Ran a few years then quit. Gained 70#+ back and smoking like before. Time to get healthy again @ 52 years over with the C25K program and beyond again. RE-start date 1-13-14

                Prince of Fatness

                  Two things- the race is on a SUNDAY and the race starts at 1:00 p.m.
                  Oh, crap. You don't get many of those. I still don't think you want to go nuts over this. 60's isn't that bad. Try to see if you can get out for some afternoon runs between now and then, especially if you catch a warm day. Bottom line is that if it's unusually warm your time will most likely suffer anyway no matter how much you prepare for it. I say go about your business as you were and don't worry about the weather.

                  Not at it at all. 

                  Arrogant Bastard....Ale

                    I don't think 60's will be that much of a problem. I like running in the cold, but those first few days in the 50's in the spring, when you get to throw off your sweats, are like heaven. Even over a half marathon. I personally don't even think about bringing even water until the 12-13 mile barrier. Regardless of weather and I sweat getting out of bed in the morning.