arch pain/discomfort--anyone had this? (Read 454 times)


    Here's the background. For several weeks, my left ankle had been tight and felt slightly gimpy if I walked on it the wrong way, specifically with lateral movements. It did not feel bad when running, and I did plenty of miles, speedwork, and eventually a HM with it, with no pain. After the half, though not immediately after the half, the arch on the same foot has become sore as has the top of the foot in the same general area. The ankle is still a bit tight, though not as tight as before. It's reached the point that the arch on my left foot is sore just walking around or even standing around in shoes. I tried running today but gave up after a half mile, as it's starting to affect my gait, which could have cascading effects. After running yesterday, I iced for a while, which helped. The pain/discomfort had decreased enough to lead me to try running today. One additional piece of information is that after the half, I've also started rotating in a new pair of shoes, though those shoes are the same model of shoes that I've worn for years without incident. That background in place, has anyone experienced something similar? If so, any recommendations? My self-diagnosis after reading around a bit is to take a week or so off, which I really don't want to do but may be the best course of action.

    Self anointed title

      I suspect this may be plantar fasciitis. If it is... sorry. I am suffering from the same thing. Google it to find: 1. Treatment options (rolling golf ball under foot, rolling frozen water bottle under foot, stretching (v important) 2. Orthotic inserts (to be worn the whole time whilst recovering - never walk in bare feet) 3. You must do the stretches and exercises before getting out of bed - walking bare footed on it will put you back to square one - it will have tightened over night. 4. Recognise that recovery will take a significant time - but can be greatly reduced if you are meticulous about the above. I would also recommend getting a professional (podiatrist/physio) to give you a definite diagnosis - and to rule out stress fracture etc. Good luck - and you have my sympathies.




        Thanks, Purdey. I ran the symptoms by a running colleague and his immediate response was PF. I had ruled that out via wishful thinking and due to the fact that I have no heel pain. But apparently one need not always have heel pain with PF. As you suggested, I've tracked down various stretches, etc. In my case, the foot feels better without shoes than with shoes, but that's because the arch is tender. So my plan is to: 1. Take a week off, as much as I hate to do so. 2. Not run in the newer shoes that coincided with the onset of the problem, despite the fact that I've had no problem in the model before. and be better about 3. icing and 4. stretching If the week off doesn't help, I'll check in with the doctor. What stretches have you found to be most effective in reducing arch pain?