2016 Boston Marathon Thread (Read 667 times)



    +1.  Except I'm impatiently waiting Smile.


    Hey congrats!

      We were considering it until we found out that all the hotel rooms near the finish with "reasonable" rates are gone and then experienced atrocious price-gouge-tastic rudeness from most of the Airbnb people we contacted. Three people actually thanked me for reminding them that it was Boston weekend so that they could skyrocket their prices.






        Wow. That sucks. But... "near the finish" is a totally unnecessary constraint. Just stay anywhere near the Red Line. For years, every year I stayed in a room in Davis Square, $50 / night, that I found on Craiglist (pre-AirBNB). (Now a friend puts me up.)

          Wow. That sucks. But... "near the finish" is a totally unnecessary constraint. Just stay anywhere near the Red Line. For years, every year I stayed in a room in Davis Square, $50 / night, that I found on Craiglist (pre-AirBNB). (Now a friend puts me up.)


          Yeah, I realize we don't have to stay near the finish, but we'd really prefer it for the whole manic Boston hoopla experience. But I just remembered that I stopped running marathons two marathons ago, so maybe it's for the best.




            whole manic Boston hoopla experience


            I doubt anyone there does more of this than I do. This year was light; I only had four peri-marathon gatherings. I stayed in Cambridge. No problem. Why pay insane rates just to save an occasional T-ride? Actually the more hoopla you are in for, the less time you'll spend in (or to and from) your room anyway.



              +1.  Except I'm impatiently waiting Smile.


              Congrats on your BQ!!!

              The Phoenix has risen! Recovered from my injury, and kickin' serious asphalt once again!

                Is it Wednesday morning yet?  BQ - 11:17.  Last year was my first Boston and it was such a great experience for me (not just the race but the whole buzz).


                With respect to the hotels at the finish, they seem way more expensive than last year!!  Still looking.

                2018 Goals

                Figure out the achilles thing...... and THEN try to get running regularly again.

                No racing goals 




                  +1.  Except I'm impatiently waiting Smile.

                  This is me. A complete noob. I'm a Bq - 4:35. Anything else I need to know about registering on Monday the 21st at 10am when they let the general population in?







                  No Talent Drips

                    Since this is a local (ISH) race for me I'm of the mindset that I'll keep running it until I don't get in, can't run it, or am burned out from it. I enjoy the process of preparing for races just as much as racing them. The process of preparing for Boston sustains me through the winter.


                    ^^ My Brother! Amen.


                    ...though, at the moment, a 5 mile run seems out of reach--I plan to be there.

                     Dei Gratia



                      Thanks onemile!



                      Hey congrats!


                      MIRich and Joe - Congrats on your BQs as well!


                        BQ - 7:46! Signing up on Friday!

                        2016 Goals:

                        • 5k: sub-16:30
                        • 10k: sub-36
                        • Half: sub-76
                        • Full: 2:45 in Boston



                          I am humbly honored to be hanging with the fast kids.


                          Thanks onemile!



                          MIRich and Joe - Congrats on your BQs as well!








                            This is me. A complete noob. I'm a Bq - 4:35. Anything else I need to know about registering on Monday the 21st at 10am when they let the general population in?


                            It doesn't matter what time you register. Assuming registration opens Monday (meaning it doesn't fill up in the first week) it will stay open through Wednesday at 5pm.

                            Runners run


                              Since this is a local race for me I'm of the mindset that I'll keep running it until I don't get in, can't run it, or am burned out from it. I enjoy the process of preparing for races just as much as racing them. The process of preparing for Boston sustains me through the winter.





                              Runners run

                                First time qualifier here with a BQ - 7:20, patiently waiting for Friday and will be staying at Loews Boston.