Why Is the Republican Field So Extreme? (Read 2137 times)


    Sounds just like your mom.


    See, NOW it's a real thread.

    sport jester


      I got kicked out of a political science class when the instructor asked us to write a three page essay for a mid term test describing the differences between being a republican or democrat.


      I raised my hand and asked why three pages if I could say it in three sentences. "Democrats believe it the responsiblity of government to solve all of our problems. Republicans think its the responsibility of government to control all of our problems. Either way, nobody makes any money unless you've got a problem, so don't think they'll ever solve any of them."


      The saying that we have a left and right wing governement is actually an old indian proverb which, "every problem needs two wings to fly".


      My arguement was that we needed the Berlin Wall just as much as the Russians did. Their culture was based on its existance, as well is ours. Without that wall, we have nothing to contain our culture. Added to that, the information age has destroyed any sense of cultural identity founded by our Cold War created society.


      And because we have no wall to prop up our society's failures, they're coming apart at the seams...


      With change so swift and prominent, vast numbers of our population cannot cope and simply don't have the skills to cope with the speed change is hitting us. So rather than change, its become their demand that the world around them adapt to their views regardless to party affiliation.


      Both parties created our problems, and therefore no one party will ever solve our problems simply because it would require change which neither of each party is willing to make. So each is attempting to force the failure of the other party to "prove" why we should behave as the opposite demands.


      Its the perpetual Catch-22 of how even centerists of each party cannot solve our problems, and therefore the extremes of each party are becoming more vocal to keep the entire population from knowing that our society is a complete failure regardless to who thinks they're leading...

      Experts said the world is flat

      Experts said that man would never fly

      Experts said we'd never go to the moon


      Name me one of those "experts"...


      History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong

        A republican for moderates: ProPublica's new overview of Romney


        Also seems related: American town halls are more contentious than ever, in part by design.

        Be safe. Be kind.

          "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


            A perspective.


            Interesting, and I don't necessarily dispute the article.


            However, I do take issue with how they use the term "conservative" (which is as much the fault of the Republican party as anyone else's).


            "Conservatism" is not "small government".  Conservatism is about established institutions, and the idea that those institutions exist for a reason, so changes to them should be taken very seriously, cautiously and slowly.


              It's interesting that the discussion regards "republican" extremism from the people looking to win a primary but then we have things like this from a sitting congressional leader (and he's from my home state too). 




              It's not just one side folks. There are extremists on both sides and we give them too much oxygen in the debate. That's what is frustrating when reading threads like this. 


              Carry on

              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                "Conservatism" is not "small government".  Conservatism is about established institutions, and the idea that those institutions exist for a reason, so changes to them should be taken very seriously, cautiously and slowly.


                The problem is, according to many, we need Progressive Conservatism (PC).  We need to get back to those established roots quickly.


                Modified to Add: Because Liberalism has "quickly" modified those established institutions.

                Life Goals:

                #1: Do what I can do

                #2: Enjoy life



                Why is it sideways?

                  It's interesting that the discussion regards "republican" extremism from the people looking to win a primary but then we have things like this from a sitting congressional leader (and he's from my home state too). 




                  It's not just one side folks. There are extremists on both sides and we give them too much oxygen in the debate. That's what is frustrating when reading threads like this. 


                  Carry on


                  True, but of course this guy is not a leading presidential candidate, which is what this thread focuses on. He said these things for his own small constituency, not because he thinks it will help him win a national presidential race. 


                  All that said, the comment is definitely over the top. But until you see Democratic party leaders and/or Barack Obama making similarly outrageous and inflammatory statement, it is hard to justify your frustration that this thread is not balanced.

                    True, but of course this guy is not a leading presidential candidate, which is what this thread focuses on. He said these things for his own small constituency, not because he thinks it will help him win a national presidential race. 


                    All that said, the comment is definitely over the top. But until you see Democratic party leaders and/or Barack Obama making similarly outrageous and inflammatory statement, it is hard to justify your frustration that this thread is not balanced.


                    Doesn't sound like he was saying it to his Indianapolis constituents...

                    It was a Congressional Black Caucus event in Miami.



                    Rep. Andre Carson, a Democrat from Indiana who serves as the CBC’s chief vote counter, said at a CBC event in Miami that some in Congress would “love to see us as second-class citizens” and “some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me ... hanging on a tree.”

                    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/62396.html#ixzz1Who7J9De

                    Life Goals:

                    #1: Do what I can do

                    #2: Enjoy life



                    Feeling the growl again

                      it is hard to justify your frustration that this thread is not balanced.


                      I think it quite ironic that you start this thread calling out the "other side" as extreme, as if it is simply a truth, but when someone who shares a different viewpoint than you notes that they view those closer to you as extreme, it is "hard to justify" that it's not balanced. 


                      Way to simply dismiss others' perspective.

                      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                        I think it quite ironic that you start this thread calling out the "other side" as extreme, as if it is simply a truth, but when someone who shares a different viewpoint than you notes that they view those closer to you as extreme, it is "hard to justify" that it's not balanced. 


                        Way to simply dismiss others' perspective.


                        I agree.  Interesting that Jeff was quick to dismiss Mr. Carson as a small town politician.


                        Yet he call extremes from the "other side" from who he appears to support while they don't appear to be nearly as extreme as Mr. Carson.


                        Quite honestly, I haven't followed this entire thread, but I'm extremely passionate about politics.

                        Both sides are wrong.

                        Both sides have extremes.

                        Both sides have characters who tend to speak words that cause debate.


                        But, the "sides" make the difference.  The moderates (middle) allow for the slow migration of thought, culture, and character over the past decades.


                        We do need "Change We Can Believe In".

                        Life Goals:

                        #1: Do what I can do

                        #2: Enjoy life




                          I think it quite ironic that you start this thread calling out the "other side" as extreme, as if it is simply a truth, but when someone who shares a different viewpoint than you notes that they view those closer to you as extreme, it is "hard to justify" that it's not balanced. 


                          Way to simply dismiss others' perspective.


                          He didn't start the thread calling the other side extreme, he started it calling a specific set of candidates for the Republican presidential primary extreme.  Most neutral political observers agree that they are.  Obviously with Jeff's background on this board and yours as well it would be impossible for Jeff to start a thread on that subject and not have be seen as taking shots at the "other side" and to have you dig in and defend "your side" but if you read his first post from a clean slate perspective, it's a fair comment.


                          And Jeff didn't dismiss the other comment, he acknowledged it as extreme but said that it wasn't from a serious presidential candidate.  


                          Of course if there were a Democratic primary going on as well there would be a bunch of bona fide whack jobs in that field as well.  Maybe even more.


                          The problem for the Republicans is that there aren't really any non-whack jobs in their primary field right now.  Well, except Romney but he's a stiff (a stiff for whom I once voted to govern my state, but hey, still a stiff).  And maybe Perry, but he's showing some signs he could spiral into whack job territory but quick if you push him just a little and he's never yet had to endure the scrutiny of a national election.

                          Runners run


                            Well, I wouldn't call Jeff's post dismissive.  From my perspective (which is really what this thread is ultimately about), it seemed to me that he was trying to stay with the original topic.


                            No one is denying extremism and extreme rhetoric exists across the board; it's a simple fact of life.  However, the answer that this thread has demonstrated is that what can be considered "extreme" is highly dependent on the observer's perspective, and is simply not an objective concept.


                            The other point of the thread is to discuss WHY extremist rhetoric seems to become much more prevalent during primary election season.  Considering the fact that there isn't really a primary season on the Democratic side for President, naturally we have to focus on the Republican side.


                              Doesn't sound like he was saying it to his Indianapolis constituents...

                              It was a Congressional Black Caucus event in Miami.



                              Rep. Andre Carson, a Democrat from Indiana who serves as the CBC’s chief vote counter, said at a CBC event in Miami that some in Congress would “love to see us as second-class citizens” and “some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me ... hanging on a tree.”

                              Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/62396.html#ixzz1Who7J9De


                              The Congressional Black Caucus has 41 members.  That is indeed a very small constituency.  

                              Runners run


                                He didn't start the thread calling the other side extreme, he started it calling a specific set of candidates for the Republican presidential primary extreme.  Most neutral political observers agree that they are.  Obviously with Jeff's background on this board and yours as well it would be impossible for Jeff to start a thread on that subject and not have be seen as taking shots at the "other side" and to have you dig in and defend "your side" but if you read his first post from a clean slate perspective, it's a fair comment.


                                And Jeff didn't dismiss the other comment, he acknowledged it as extreme but said that it wasn't from a serious presidential candidate.  


                                Of course if there were a Democratic primary going on as well there would be a bunch of bona fide whack jobs in that field as well.  Maybe even more.


                                The problem for the Republicans is that there aren't really any non-whack jobs in their primary field right now.  Well, except Romney but he's a stiff (a stiff for whom I once voted to govern my state, but hey, still a stiff).  And maybe Perry, but he's showing some signs he could spiral into whack job territory but quick if you push him just a little and he's never yet had to endure the scrutiny of a national election.


                                I agree with this post wholeheartedly except one thing.  Perry IS a whackadoo.