How long do race photos ususally take to appear online? (Read 392 times)


I've got a fever...

    I ran a 10k on Memorial Day. Pretty big race (1600 10k runners, 1200 5k runners), and so far, the pics haven't appeared online 8 days later. Is this typical? This was my first "big" race of the 21st century, and I don't know what a reasonable expectation is.

    On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

    Go Pre!

      I ran a 10k on Memorial Day. Pretty big race (1600 10k runners, 1200 5k runners), and so far, the pics haven't appeared online 8 days later. Is this typical? This was my first "big" race of the 21st century, and I don't know what a reasonable expectation is.
      Patience my friend. I have seen next day right up to 2 full weeks.
        I usually say a day to a week, but I've it take close to a month (and once never).


        Prince of Fatness

          I just ran a race a couple of weeks ago that had ~ 7500 finishers. It took close to a week for the pictures to become available. There are lots of races Memorial Day weekend. It's possible that the photography company was at multiple races, so it may not be just the size of your race that matters.

          Not at it at all.