Goal of Sub-3 Hour Marathon (Read 15845 times)

Wet Bus Ticket

    I must be the slowest qualifier - #4439. Well I learnt my lesson after my hard 17 miles two Sundays ago - couldn't run for 6 days with an Achilles strain. Last two days have run 5 miles (plus a short cycle) and 10 miles without too much pain so feeling a bit more confident about turning up at the start line on Monday now.

      bhearn - 04/20/09 Boston, Boston, MA #3523 dacook - 04/20/09 Boston, Boston, MA #2405 DanMoriarity - 04/20/09 Boston, Boston, MA dcv2002 - 04/20/09 Boston, Boston MA #3049 dnephin - 04/20/09 Boston, Boston, MA ksrunr - 04/20/09 Boston, Bosta, MA #4061 Wet Bus Ticket - 04/20/09 Boston, Boston, MA #4439 DRoadRacer- 04/20/09 Boston, Boston, MA #3474 quote> Just to bump it to the next page - WBT - I think there are more than 10,000 slower qualifyers than you.

      Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



        I also added the bib numbers to "Hopefuls" list (page 1, 1st post) EDTA: I found dnephin's log and see that he has been training up a storm, but hasn't been seen on this thread in quite a while. Ran 31 miles at 7:12 pace last month. DanMoriarty must be hurt. No miles in log since January.
        Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33
          Weather forecast got worse since last time I checked. 18 mpw headwinds with gusts up to 28 and chance of rain Cry East coast much harder to forecast than out here though. Outlook could be much different within a couple days.
          Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33

            Weather forecast got worse since last time I checked. 18 mpw headwinds with gusts up to 28 and chance of rain Cry
            Well that sucks. Where do you see that? The only site I see wind information for that far out on is weather.com, and it says E12, for both Newton (most relevant) and Boston. Last I looked it projected a tailwind. If there is an 18mph headwind, so much for my sub-3 attempt. I'll run a nice 3:20 and try again at Newport. Too bad, because the temperature looks to be perfect, and a little rain never hurt anyone.

              It projected a tailwind because that's the prevailing wind for this area for this time of year so any time they are more than a week out, that's what they predict. It now projects a headwind because someone at weather.com thinks they can predict the exact 3 hour window when a particular low pressure system will be in the precise location to create an on-shore flow over the Boston area. My guess is it will change. Given how cold the winter and early spring were, I'm still projecting a freak 5 hour heatwave that will see temps spike in the high 80s from 10 am til 3 pm on Monday.

              Runners run

                It's already changed from the first forecast I got on Sunday. Acccuweather.com is the name of the service. Each time they have predicted winds from E and SE, though. They just stepped up the velocity today. I think they realize that they can't predict a 3-hour window and just take their best shot. I doubt that it will be exactly the same on Sunday as predicted today. As far as wind goes, I've been using this service for a couple years and they tend to be overly aggressive in predicting how strong it will be.
                Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33

                  don't sweat the weather until you wake up and stick your nose out the door

                  Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                    Accuweather.com is the lowest of all weather predictors I think... I like to go straight to the NOAA and the actual analysis models they use... Here the 24-hour graph for Newton, MA 24-hr for Newton Had a head wind of about 9-11 mph. I think this is what they were forecasting last year for windwise. I didn't remember a headwind last year and when I did feel a breeze last year it felt good (Damn strong sun)... Basically, there is a low pressure system coming out of the west that look like its going to head north through the Great Lakes and western NY.. They don't know its timing due to the a High Pressure that will be in place over the east coast... However, it looks like there will be a chance of showers, probably not the blazing sun of last year... I just hope it does rain while we are waiting in Hopkinton, I don't really care while I'm racing it the waiting around part that sucks...

                      NEED ADVICE ON HOW MANY MARATHON PACE RUNS I SHOULD DO. I am 4.5 weeks out from my sub three attempt and haven't done any yet. When would you do them, how long should they be, etc...? Can they be part of an long run? Thanks for any help you guys can provide.
                        Flove - looking at your log again. You haven't run a long run for a month (22M) and your mileage is light. My .02 cents is to run a tempo workout every week and get in some longer runs (17-20M) with middle miles (up to 10 M) at MP. Plus your oa long run pace needs to be picked up a bit ( sub 8's). You've got some speed; endurance? Only way to find out is to go do some.

                        ksrunr All American 10K Feb. '10 Cowtown Half marathon Feb. '10 Boston '10

                        Are we there yet?

                          These guys told me to up my mileage so now I am hitting 60/week, flovesparko How much were you running back in '03 when you PR'd in San Diego?
                            Bother. With three weeks to go until my sub 3hr marathon attempt and I got a cold. It has hung around for a week now (since the dreaded throat tickle last Thursday night). Last weekend was supposed to be my last long run (23 miles) before the marathon, but that did not seem like a good idea with a cold. I have managed a few shorter runs at a very easy pace and am starting to feel a bit better. I was planning to taper starting this week, but I'm now planning to squeeze in one more long run this weekend (20 miles), then taper for the next 14days before the marathon. Sound like a good plan, or does anyone have some other suggestions?

                            Running - cheaper than therapy

                              iansyd - I think another long run is a good idea as long as you're recovered from cold. 14 day taper is PLENTY of recovery time.

                              ksrunr All American 10K Feb. '10 Cowtown Half marathon Feb. '10 Boston '10

                                Oh Weather Gods... Please change the forecast for Boston.... I don't want to be running into a headwind for 26+ miles... Big grin