McCain names VP pick (Read 1538 times)

Lazy idiot

    I vote by feel.

    Tick tock

    Mishka-old log

      I vote by feel.
      Idiot. I'm voting based on this thread.

      Lazy idiot

        Idiot. I'm voting based on this thread.
        I have tears in my eyes. Thank you. Big grin

        Tick tock

          The majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and don't own 7 houses. They want a leader who understands their problems not one who jokes about it while dancing around a question he doesn't like. > the majority of americans live paycheck to paycheck cause (in general, specific cases not included) do it to themselves because they think they have to have the best of everything and BIG!!! Turn off the TV and you won't see how many new and shiny things are out there to spend your money on... "they' want a leader who will bail them out time after time because they got greedy and made stupid decisions...HTFU america... Lastly, being rich is a state of mind....Rockefeller was always going after one more depends on your expectations. Many folks think they have a rich life and make squat...others will consider themselves poor because their house is only 2000 ft2 and not 10,000, and they don't have...(fill in the blank).

          Insert witty title here

            Wow. You sure you want to talk about houses. Most Americans don't run around with convicted billionaires who finance their million dollar homes or buy the lot attached to it for them so they can get it for 1/3 of the price. Most Americans never associate with people who set off bombs in our nations capital and NEVER admits to believing it was wrong. Most Americans don't sit under spiritual leaders that preach "GD America" for 20 YEARS. Most Americans don't want their goverment officials to vote present 130 TIMES and not either Yes or No to the issues that they face EVERY DAY. Most Americans don't know that his Economic Policies were just combined into a proposal which was voted down 99-0...even Obama himself VOTED against his own bill. Or the fact he will not release his state records b/c the fear of accepting earmarks and the pork he recieved will cast a bad light on him...there is a TON of stuff we DON'T Know...and NOONE beside Hillary and Bill in the Democratic Party has asked why? It is truly sad.
            - The guy in question had not been convicted of a crime when Obama purchased the house, nor is there anything criminal about being a billionaire (not sure what you meant by "convicted billionaire"). - If you're referring to Al Qaeda, no Obama doesn't want to associate with them, he wants to actually go after them (something W has failed to do, even to the point of claiming that capturing Usama was not important). If you're referring to Muslim countries (or any country who doesn't share our customs) then I am looking forward to having a leader who is willing to sit down and discuss differences instead of giving no options other than war. The reason the majority of the world hates America is because of our arrogant, imperialistic actions like refusing to talk to those who disagree with us. The sad thing is how many republicans simply cannot understand that all Muslims are not terrorists. - Do you agree with every single thing your spiritual advisor has ever said? I didn't think so. No one is perfect and Obama denounced Rev. Wright's views on multiple occasions so I'm not sure why you're still hung up on that. Just for the record that was a recent sermon, not one he's been preaching over and over for 20 years as your accusation implies. - The 130 votes you're referring to occurred in the Illinois state senate to be specific and that was out of a total of more than 4000 votes, or 3.25%. Further, that small percentage of his votes were intended to raise legal and/or constitutional objections to the way those bills were written. It's a common practice in Illinois to use that method of objection rather than vote yes or no which implies you agree with how the bill was written. - The bill you're referring to was not a bill nor did it "just" happen. It was actually an amendment to the budget that occurred 6 months ago. What it really was, was a cheap political game played by a republican senator (Wayne Allard) who wasted taxpayer's time and money that could have been spent passing a balanced budget. Wisely Obama chose to put an end to the waste of time so they could spend time actually passing a budget. Imagine how much better Allard could have spent his time rather than playing political games that did not benefit his constituents in any way. - Obama's state records, including earmark projects he worked on are all publicly available. Not sure where you got your bad information (although I could guess), but they are indeed available. Sorry for the length, but one thing I cannot stand is when lies are spread for political gain and the vast majority of what Obama gets accused of is an outright lie by republicans who will not research before accusing.

            ThomasRuns Blog

            "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." - [Walter Bagehot]


            I've got a fever...

              I vote based on who has the hotter veep candidate. This was gonna be a tough call I when thought the options were Biden vs. Ridge, Lieberman, or Romney.

              On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                - Sorry for the length, but one thing I cannot stand is when lies are spread for political gain and the vast majority of what Obama gets accused of is an outright lie by republicans who will not research before accusing.
                I have often noticed how careful and thorough the dems are when they do their research...
                  I vote based on who has the hotter veep candidate. This was gonna be a tough call I when thought the options were Biden vs. Ridge, Liebermann, or Romney.
                  gotta love a person who votes on principles... Jeff for President!!

                    None of this is doing it for me, an anarchist. the Republicans are Democrat Lite. Anarchy - the natural way.
                      No, not Al Quaida but Ayers...his buddy from Chicago. No, his state records HAVE NOT been released...ask Hillary Rev Wright HAS ALWAYS been a Black Liberation preacher (read his book)...which has ALWAYS adhered to this rhetoric...and btw, I would have left that church long ago. BTW, I never said it was a bill but a proposal...and if really believed in it he would fight. Also, article in Philly newspaper came out last week questioning whether he was even a Natural Born Citizen of US...which disqualifies him completely Also, he himself said in 2006 that he would not have the experience to run for President by 2008!
                      2008 GOALS GET BELOW 175 (at 175 now) RUN 6:00 MILE (at 6:29) RUN BELOW 25:30 5K RUN BELOW 55:00 10K RUN A MARATHON (DEC. 6TH - MEMPHIS - ST JUDE)
                        I have often noticed how careful and thorough the dems are when they do their research...
                        Hey Man -- She's a runner -- Tho I'm independent and already planning to vote Democrat after I found out she is a runner, I now have to damned with qualification --- she can go out for 5 or 6 and get the enforphens going.....she'll be OK......(think Obama is a closet smoker -- YUCH) and I cant believed Biden is a runner - he is on the commuter train too much..... McCain - forget it - he doesnt run.... From a running point of view (which is the only important point of veiw) she is far and again our best candidate.....I think we should all write her in for President....... -or- Maybe we should have a 10 mile race (all 4 of them together) ---- First place --- PRES --- Second Place -- VP........ It would work......

                        Champions are made when no one is watching

                        Mishka-old log

                          That government is best which governs least.

                            Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.

                              I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

                              I've got a fever...

                                Mønti Pythøn ik den Hølie Gräilen

                                On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.