Pace and shoe for Other Workouts? (Read 709 times)

Spencer Davis

    I'm doing some rollerskiing in preparation for Nordic skiing this winter. I was wondering if pace and shoes (i entered my rollerskiies) could be added to the "other workouts" section when adding a new entry. As for now i entered my workout into the running workouts as a new type of workout but i don't know if i want to count the easy rollerskiied miles. No big deal, but i would appreciate it, thanks. Smile

      This would be handy for me too, I'm pregnant and the moment and banned from running but am walking fast. Don't want to count it as running miles, so is under other workouts. Also is there any way you can make other workouts your main workout like you can do with swimming and biking? SO demanding i know! Wink


      You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.


      eric :)

        I've already added this to the new log. I'm aiming to complete it by the end of the year.