Texas Independence Relay (Read 3309 times)


    Around the horn and Mississippi: how's the training going? Are we going to roll over this feild or what?
      Around the horn and Mississippi: how's the training going? Are we going to roll over this field or what?
      Maybe!!! Smile After the Monkey I'll focus more on getting some faster pace runs in. Right now I'm working on getting my schedule (and body) prepared for attempting some real training. I would be very very appreciative of any advice or suggestions you might have to offer. I know how I am, I do best when I have a running buddy for every single run, but that just can't happen so I need to work hard on some self-discipline. With getting ready for the relay, what distance do I need to focus on? What about doubles? Should I make sure to have at least one day a week of running twice that day? I've noticed some positive changes in my running lately and I'm excited about that.



        I would absolutely do some doubles. I thought last time [I ran a relay] that it would help if I did a few double and triple races (2 on Saturday, one on Sunday) but I'm not sure that was very helpful for me. Too much racing. Basically, if you could increase your easy-running mileage, run a few 10k's, regularly work your hills, and sharpen up in February... That's it. Running is running. Basic marathon-style training would proabably be most useful. What is that? Varies per individual, but I think you could just add in some easy miles in the form of doubles, and long runs, and you'd be halfway there. 10k pace is probably what we'll want to target. But because of fatigue, lack of sleep, and essentially haveing 3 races in 24 hours without proper warmup and cooldown, somewhere between HM and Marathon pace is more realistic for a well-trained runner. If your marathon PR is soft, then you could approach your 10k pace, I suppose. (not to mention, some legs are shorter and easier, etc.) Thanks for correcting my spelling. I'm constantly making mistakes and it's annoying to me.

        Forever Learning

          If the team, assuming I run it, is willing to let me off the hook for some of the fees I can donate miles for hotels etc. Since we just moved from Houston I was probably going to see friends on Thursday night and drive over to Gonzales Friday afternoon. Not sure about hotels nearby, however. My DH is willing to let me come down. She thinks I am nuts, but that is nothing new... So maybe chalk me up as 90% now Big grin
            I would absolutely do some doubles. I thought last time [I ran a relay] that it would help if I did a few double and triple races (2 on Saturday, one on Sunday) but I'm not sure that was very helpful for me. Too much racing. Basically, if you could increase your easy-running mileage, run a few 10k's, regularly work your hills, and sharpen up in February... That's it. Running is running. Basic marathon-style training would proabably be most useful. What is that? Varies per individual, but I think you could just add in some easy miles in the form of doubles, and long runs, and you'd be halfway there. 10k pace is probably what we'll want to target. But because of fatigue, lack of sleep, and essentially haveing 3 races in 24 hours without proper warmup and cooldown, somewhere between HM and Marathon pace is more realistic for a well-trained runner. If your marathon PR is soft, then you could approach your 10k pace, I suppose. (not to mention, some legs are shorter and easier, etc.) Thanks for correcting my spelling. I'm constantly making mistakes and it's annoying to me.
            I hadn't even thought of double races! You would think that would make sense to throw a few of those in there since that is what we'll be doing for the relay...but I think my legs would fall off! I know I need to increase my easy-running mileage. I'm just having trouble finding the time to do that. I need someone showing up at my door at 5 a.m. and dragging me out to run! Doing doubles will help with weekly mileage totals. I'll step up and get that done. I do have one 10k planned and I'm sure I can find a few more between now and then. This relay may be the motivation that I need to finally get me to reaching my goals. (sorry about correcting your spelling, I don't like it when I spell something wrong and it gets quoted, so I didn't want to do that to you) Smile MTA: Thank you for your help!


            Non ducor, duco.

              I haven't looked, Anda is checking things out. I guess we need to find out what everyone is doing.
              Oops, I am?? Ha. Will do ASAP.

              Non ducor, duco.

                Interesting...are all the hotels going to be booked in that area friday night? Shall I plan on sleeping on the side of the road?
                Now that would be cool to grab some tents... I will check on this unless Modal knows something I don't already. Tim? MTA: I meant hotels.

                  If the team, assuming I run it, is willing to let me off the hook for some of the fees I can donate miles for hotels etc. Since we just moved from Houston I was probably going to see friends on Thursday night and drive over to Gonzales Friday afternoon. Not sure about hotels nearby, however. My DH is willing to let me come down. She thinks I am nuts, but that is nothing new... So maybe chalk me up as 90% now Big grin
                  I thought DH meant "dear husband." Not that there's annything wrong with that. Or designated hitter I guess.

                    Now that would be cool to grab some tents... I will check on this unless Modal knows something I don't already. Tim?
                    Yeah, would'nt this be our fearless leader's call?

                      Around the horn and Mississippi: how's the training going? Are we going to roll over this feild or what?
                      I've been sick as a dog for about a week now. My luck is pissing me off, two minor injuries in 2 months and now I'm sick. With that said, I haven't improved much. I already do two a days but they only consist of 8 to 10 miles. The longest run I do is about 8-12 miles straight at a 9 to 10 minute pace on the weekends. My plan is to bump that up a mile a week until I get to 20. Hopefully, barring injury, I will be running 20 miles by February. No guarantees on speed but luckily I'm competitive by nature. What's that saying..." run more, sometimes harder....?"
                      Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.

                        I've been sick as a dog for about a week now. My luck is pissing me off, two minor injuries in 2 months and now I'm sick. With that said, I haven't improved much. I already do two a days but they only consist of 8 to 10 miles. The longest run I do is about 8-12 miles straight at a 9 to 10 minute pace on the weekends. My plan is to bump that up a mile a week until I get to 20. Hopefully, barring injury, I will be running 20 miles by February. No guarantees on speed but luckily I'm competitive by nature. What's that saying..." run more, sometimes harder....?"
                        "the will to win is nothing without the will to train." Step it up, young man! But above all, stay healthy darn it!

                        Non ducor, duco.

                          Yeah, would'nt this be our fearless leader's call?
                          Are you suggesting that I would usurp our fearless leader?? Wink Nevah. Im a willing foot soldier in his army willing to act on his command.
                            We might end up doing something different, but here are my thoughts at present. Have a team meet up Friday night in order to have a final rundown and make sure everyone is on the same page. I believe we should be able to find rooms in or near Gonzales in the $50-75 range. Here’s where I stayed last year. http://www.lockhartinntexas.com/ (Do you all want to camp? Confused) On March 6th, I would like team members to be in TX (Dallas or Houston) by noon. The Dallas van will leave in the afternoon and attempt to get to Austin/Gonzales before 5pm. I’ve posted a document on the Google group as a rough outline of items we’ll need to address.


                              I've been sick as a dog for about a week now.
                              For the past 2 weeks, I have been super achy from a viral infection. Wednesday through Saturday of last week, I was running a high fever (101F-103F). I'm still not sure what the heck I have.


                              Forever Learning

                                I thought DH meant "dear husband." Not that there's annything wrong with that. Or designated hitter I guess.
                                Err...Ummm...Oops Blush Dear Hottie ??? Yes, should have been DW