Cool Running...Just Left! (Read 3219 times)



    hi econo and pro. pro is typing carefully, must want to make a good first impression. testing the waters here too... you guys don't bite, do you? bark? how about growl or snarl?
    There goes the neighborhood. And mc, shhh, they might think I'm still an ok guy. Now go clean up your profile, remove the stuff about felonies, and make it public. Of course Econo is all prim and proper as usual. Crirg

    -Craig - "TPFD53 at gmail dot com"


      That pic was from the USMC marathon in October. Probably about mile 17 or so. Really great race. Very funny about all the similarities. Funny that April was a dead month for both of us. I also didn't stick with it over the summer and had some weak months. I was travelling a lot in April and transitioning jobs over the summer. I went ahead and updated my profile to reveal that, ironically, we are the same age exactly. Wish I were as tall as you though Undecided If you reach your goal weight you're going to look pretty scrawny Big grin It's possible I'll be moving to Detroit area in about 18 months. There are some jobs I'd rather have in other locations though. We'll see...
      Hey dgb2n, The similarities between us are freaky...twilight zone music...we both are 40 something, from VA, 2 kids, weigh about the same, I ran a marathon within 2 weeks of when you did and my finish time was within 2 seconds of yours, and we both have run just over 1500 miles...
        mc, shhhh, I'm not really here... Cool [whisper]I'm working on an evil plan to take over the running world.[/whisper]
          I am another poor CR refugee. Do I hear Tom Petty playing in the background? Smile
          You crack me up... I was reading this thread, singing that song in my head, and then came across your thread!!! Big grin Too funny!! I'm a refugee too from CR... already found my way to a group on here the other day. And don't nobody look at my log yet (you can't anyway, I didn't click the box but I'll fix that) - it's empty. I saved my log at CR as an excel file about a month ago but haven't done anything with it since, and since I just started running this summer - and have taken the last 2 weeks off due to a twisted ankle, then laziness, then chex-mix season, I decided to start all over with a log. First night back is in about 2 hours, as soon as I get home! Smile



            Hey dgb2n, The similarities between us are freaky...twilight zone music...we both are 40 something, from VA, 2 kids, weigh about the same, I ran a marathon within 2 weeks of when you did and my finish time was within 2 seconds of yours, and we both have run just over 1500 miles...
            Ok, now this is downright weird. Shocked 2 seconds difference over more than 4 hours. I probably shouldn't tell you that I'm also a software engineer (more management at this point though). I'd love to qualify for Boston but I don't even utter the words. Just seems too far off given the pace that would be required. I had a sub-40 10K when I was in my early 20's and returning to that form just seems impossible at this stage of my life. Every mile gets me a little bit closer though. I think if I did a marathon now, I could probably go under 4 hours. It's those last 30 minutes that have me worried.

            I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


              Another Cool Runner refugee here. Smile I was SO disappointed when I became a victim of Active's "upgrade". Immediately started seaching for a new online running log, and this has been the best one by far. Thanks SO much to Eric for uploading my CR log - everything turned out great!!!!
                I am another poor CR refugee. Do I hear Tom Petty playing in the background? Smile
                Yes. Click my link on page 1. Welcome to all y'all. I was never a forumite at CR - but the Couch to 5K plan got me to Running Ahead earlier this year.

                When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                  Another big thanks to Eric Smile I hope his PayPal $ is Huge this holiday season!!! This is a great site to keep runners of all abilities motivated. CR people will soon see that they are not just settling on this site .. they are lucky to have found RA!!
                  Runners around the state are getting better today ...are you one of them? TRAIN HARD

                    Hello everyone Smile Smile Looks like a friendly place ... Vanessa
                    Kenotic Runner

                      I find the functionality here even better than Cool Running! Glad to be here.

                      Another Passion

                        That pic was from the USMC marathon in October. Probably about mile 17 or so. Really great race. Very funny about all the similarities. Funny that April was a dead month for both of us. I also didn't stick with it over the summer and had some weak months. I was travelling a lot in April and transitioning jobs over the summer. I went ahead and updated my profile to reveal that, ironically, we are the same age exactly. Wish I were as tall as you though Undecided If you reach your goal weight you're going to look pretty scrawny Big grin It's possible I'll be moving to Detroit area in about 18 months. There are some jobs I'd rather have in other locations though. We'll see...
                        Quite funny. April was a dead month for me as I had been training to run a two person team marathon with my wife when she got IT band syndrome to the extent that she could no longer train. I was a pretty rookie runner then and thought that I perhaps could do the full on my own and set out one day on a long run (goal to do 20 miles) when the longest I had ever run was 10 or 12 miles and I was not prepared for it. I pretty much lost my mojo at that point and dropped out of running in April, which was to have been the month of the race. A friend of mine on my fire department had found this site and liked the mapping it did and referred it to me. I started running again and logging my runs here, started reading the threads, saw what cool, knowledgeable, inspirational, encouraging people were here who collectively inspired me to get serious about this running business. I slowly increased my mileage for awhile and then, in October, decided to get off the pot and sign up for my first full marathon. Again, from the inspiration of reading others' posts here about their races, successes, disappointments, trials, and jubilations. Ironically enough, the marathon I registered for is the same one that my wife and I had to pass on last April. It's a small one (like under 200 full runners), with little crowd support, but I kind of want it that way to make the race fully mine. Anyway, that's a bit of my running story... you may all now wake up and lift your heads from the puddly of drool on your computer desks now. Big grin Oh, and dgb, is Selfridge one of your potential moves in the Detroit-area? I suppose that would be ok if that is the case, but Michigan is kinda (not kinda, it is) going down the crapper of late. They almost closed up the government a couple of times a couple of months ago. Economy stinks, auto industry swirling down the toilet bowl, and housing market is very bad right now for a seller. Course, you'd be lookin' to buy so that would benefit you.

                        "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                        "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


                          count me as another refugee from CR... this is an excellent site - I wish I found it sooner...I've even added a link from my blog... even better is I get to keep my handle (and not have a number added as it was on that other site, surely there weren't 56 other people with allrounder?!)...
                            Hey, I'm evryday...just uploaded my training log from CR.....really easy! Thanks alot for this opportunity to keep my log here and it looks really user friendly. Can't wait to spend some more time with it. Haven't had a chance to really lurk around the community yet, but I do see some old familiar names! Thanks again for hosting the running log....hope to be visiting with you folks soon.
                            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                              Another refugee after 5 years at CoolRunning. Eric please do not let Active aquire you Smile And thanks for the interface. All my data imported without a hitch. And with the workaround to get into CR I was able to log this weeks runs before I exported the file to upload here. Oh and the shoes mileage imported perfectly. A big thanks to the CR folks who posted this web site over there at Active for us to find. Brian
                                I 'm from cool running (just used it for the log) and figure I lost all my info Sad That new active thing is brutal... glad I found this spot though Smile