The Gym is a Freak Show (Read 1287 times)

Maggie & Molly

    it's not the walking to the shower - its the sitting around chatting - yuck

     "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
    Wisdom of Confucius

    HF 4363

    Queen of 3rd Place

      My favorite type has pencil-thin legs but a reasonably-beefy upper-body. This species always wears a tank or muscle shirt and baggy sweats in an attempt to show off the upper body and conceal the wimpiness of its legs. It will also attempt to give weightlifting advice to any women in the vicinity. Every gym has one of these things show up from time to time, but thankfully they are usually transient.

      Ex runner


        I'm going to guess former military.




        The first time you have to drop a deuce in boot camp;

        Sitting on the growler

        no walls

        no door

        15 guys lined up waiting their turn


        you learn quickly to stare at nothing, take care of business, and move along

        "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn

        A Saucy Wench

          My favorite type has pencil-thin legs but a reasonably-beefy upper-body. This species always wears a tank or muscle shirt and baggy sweats in an attempt to show off the upper body and conceal the wimpiness of its legs. It will also attempt to give weightlifting advice to any women in the vicinity. Every gym has one of these things show up from time to time, but thankfully they are usually transient.



          I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


          "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7



            I wish that somebody would mic. this guy 24/7 for a couple of weeks.


              My favorite type has pencil-thin legs but a reasonably-beefy upper-body. This species always wears a tank or muscle shirt and baggy sweats in an attempt to show off the upper body and conceal the wimpiness of its legs. It will also attempt to give weightlifting advice to any women in the vicinity. Every gym has one of these things show up from time to time, but thankfully they are usually transient.


              I hated these guys.  Which is one reason I don't bother going to the gym and ran in 2+ ft of fresh snow tonight.

              Sulphur Springs 50km-- Ancaster, ON-- May 28, 2022

              Tally in the Valley 12 hours-- Dundas, ON -- July 30, 2022 (Support SickKids Toronto)

              Stokely Creek-- 56km-- Sault Ste. Marie, ON-- Sept. 24, 2022



              Maggie & Molly



                I wish that somebody would mic. this guy 24/7 for a couple of weeks.


                this is awesome!!

                 "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
                Wisdom of Confucius

                HF 4363



                  This isn't the first post about naked old guys haunting gym locker rooms. So it's a thing?


                  Oh, it's a thing. Not so much the walking to & from the shower, it is a locker room after all. (So I am equally puzzled by the guys who feel the need to slip their undies on while the towel is still wrapped around them.) But would not hurt to wrap a towel around you when you are standing the the mirror shaving & blow drying your hair for 15 minutes. And at the very least, if you are sitting down on the bench naked, PLEASE PUT A TOWEL DOWN UNDER YOU, thank you very much.



                    If I saw someone blow drying their bajingo I would probably barf. 


                    Just catching up with this thread, possibly my favorite line so far. This one is new to me; I thought guys had a lot of nicknames for their things.


                    Feeling the growl again

                      My favorite type has pencil-thin legs but a reasonably-beefy upper-body. This species always wears a tank or muscle shirt and baggy sweats in an attempt to show off the upper body and conceal the wimpiness of its legs. It will also attempt to give weightlifting advice to any women in the vicinity. Every gym has one of these things show up from time to time, but thankfully they are usually transient.

                      Gyms and gun ranges - two things I will invest to have my own and avoid the public versions, thank you.



                      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills





                        The first time you have to drop a deuce in boot camp;

                        Sitting on the growler

                        no walls

                        no door

                        15 guys lined up waiting their turn


                        you learn quickly to stare at nothing, take care of business, and move along

                        That was my attitude, but some people treated it like it was social hour.




                          I wish that somebody would mic. this guy 24/7 for a couple of weeks.


                          This is what I imagine malmo to be like only with running.

                            I don't get it...does it bother you that they're nude, or that they're old and nude? Because, I thought you were a hockey dude...I know I've been playing team sports since forever, and nudity doesn't bother me in the least. I'm not wrapping a towel to walk 20 feet to the shower - what's the point?


                            See Cherrieruns response.


                            I thought the rule was if the towel comes off that's fine if you are moving to the shower or a stall.  No issue with that even though most people stay wrapped until they get to a stall or the shower.  Once you become stationary and start chit chatting its a problem.  It seems this rule is forgotten once age 65 is attained.  I swear there were times that the same old dude or dudes were nudely chatting before my workout and also an hour later after the workout...still there, still nude. hour is long enough that you have time to reach for your clothes and put them on.  Plus they tend to congregate in the way, either in front of the sinks or near the doorways.


                            I am a hockey player.  No one uses the nasty showers at the rink so it takes out this option.  Our games are so late at night no one lingers anyway, its usually 11 or 12 and people have to get up for work.


                            Someone should really make an Office Space type movie called The Gym.  There's a lot of material here.


                              Not really freaky at the Gym, but I don't understand the people who hold onto the arms of the treadmill for dear life, year after year.

                              Don't they know how to keep their balance, yet?

                              "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                              you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                              Sonata Arctica







                                As I'm getting more experience with the gym I'm slowly getting closer to where the big boys are with the free weights and the things that look like medieval torture devices.  The mirrors are over there also.  The other day there was some weirdo skinny dude in the mirror pulling on a handle attached to some heavy stuff by a cable.  He kept looking for his triceratops, or whatever those muscles are called.   I was really sore the next day.