Information about your medication (Read 694 times)

    uhhh, "RUNNING can also be used prophylactically for the urge to go on shooting sprees." Confused

    The Crap Whisperer

      That's hilarious! Pays to read the fine print Smile http://katierush.com/funny/sarcasma.htm

      Being the best tiny spec that I can be!

        A wealth of information that every runner should know about. It scares me to think of how close I came to not reading it. Whew! Funniest post of '09
        Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33
          LOL, I'm going to save that one! Big grin

          Professional Noob

            OMG! I'm going to plaster that link everywhere!!! Big grinBig grinBig grinBig grinBig grin

            Roads were made for journeys...

              I'm a pharmacist and one of the things my company does is create those monographs. I just about died laughing. Love it! Big grin Big grin Big grin

              Suffering Benefiting from mature onset exercise addiction and low aerobic endorphin release threshold. Hoping there is no cure.

                Good one, Trent. Big grin

                she runs like a girl

                  haha Smile this made my day.
                  2010 goals: PR at distances from 3k-HM 3k: 02/02/10 - 12:00 - road 5k :03/13/10 - 20:32 - road 10mile: 04/02/10 - 1:15:49 "The only thing I hate more than running is not running"
                    Yep, as a pharmacist(to be in T minus 1 month!)-runner I got A LOT of humor out of that, Thank you so much!!! I'm currently in the process of spreading it around to just about anyone who will read it.

                    2012: Just run.