Is it "wrong" to count official split times as PRs? (Read 615 times)



     when I had an American Record broken on one of my courses



    Phil's 48?

    I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart



      Hey anyone know where I can find s good blog about the Boulder, CO running scene?

      Runners run


        I've seen some poorly located markers at races so I'm generally a bit fickle about using split times as PRs myself, but do as you wish.

        Dream Maker

          By my logic, your half time says all that needs to be said; who needs a 10K split?

          But, I mean, by all means do what you want. It's just running.



          So to use your logic, the 48:24 10K I ran in the snow last year is more valid than then 48:16 split in my Half.  Sorry, cannot wrap my mind around that.  As for finding other 10Ks, they're pretty few and far between in my neck of the woods.




          Options,Account, Forums


            The USATF does count the 10 mile as an official record.



            Glad to hear it! I thought they'd bowed to communism...

            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


              One and two hour races are official, and the longest race that the USATF keeps official records of is the 144 hour (which has a fun history).


              More fun with records...Whole lotta Bill Rodgers here.



              I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart



                since the P stands for personal, you can count anything you want as a "Personal" record.

                I used to run this "unknown distance" route with my son and he had a personal record time that he'd always try to beat.   It was simply known as the Lake Arlington 2 mile route, though it was somewhere in the 2.25 mile range, but the exact distance is still unnknown to this day. And it doesn't matter.



                I used to ran this loop close to our previous house and once in a while I tried to set a new world record on that course. Only other person I've ever seen running there was this older (mid fifties) woman and I'm confident I could take her (probably).

                I don't know if I could improve my official world record on this Thornhill Loop, but as of today, I could set a new AG record.

                Slow and steady never wins anything.


                  I think that's the idea behind strava...




                    One and two hour races are official, and the longest race that the USATF keeps official records of is the 144 hour (which has a fun history).


                    More fun with records...Whole lotta Bill Rodgers and just as much Ann Trason here.




                      If I claim a PR in a race it is only for the distance I ran to the finish.  If I claim a PR in training then it must be on the same course / route that my old record was on.  I am probably being too anal about it, but that is how I do it.

                        5k  = 19.48 10/1/13

                      10k  = 45.28 4/16/13

                      Half Marathon = 1:38.53  Summer Sizzle 7/13/14

                      Operation Jack Marathon 12/26/12  4:39.11

                      Solo O Marathon 06/02/13  3:52:10

                      Operation Jack Marathon 12/26/13 3:40.34

                      On On


                        Phil's 48?


                        Yes, though we have to fill out the same paperwork for AG records too.


                        Options,Account, Forums



                          I used to ran this loop close to our previous house and once in a while I tried to set a new world record on that course. Only other person I've ever seen running there was this older (mid fifties) woman and I'm confident I could take her (probably).

                          I don't know if I could improve my official world record on this Thornhill Loop, but as of today, I could set a new AG record.


                          I feel that this post wins the thread.

                          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                            Bump. So, suppose I want to count a split as a PR. E.g., my 100-mile split at Desert Solstice 24-hour is my 100M PR. (Actually it's not just a split; there are official 100-mile results for everyone, separate from 24-hour results.)


                            How, on RA, can I record this, without duplicating the workout, thus the mileage?


                            Fortunately WG is no longer around to lambast me for counting a track run as a 100 PR over a trail run. (Hey, 100M trail PR is just a different thing. I track that too.)


                            MTA What ever happened to Goo?


                            Are we there, yet?

                              Bump. So, suppose I want to count a split as a PR. E.g., my 100-mile split at Desert Solstice 24-hour is my 100M PR. (Actually it's not just a split; there are official 100-mile results for everyone, separate from 24-hour results.)


                              How, on RA, can I record this, without duplicating the workout, thus the mileage?


                              Fortunately WG is no longer around to lambast me for counting a track run as a 100 PR over a trail run. (Hey, 100M trail PR is just a different thing. I track that too.)


                              MTA What ever happened to Goo?


                              I still see Goo on FB but haven't seen him here in ages.


                              I'm getting ready to leave for work or I'd actually look it up, but I believe any intermediate time or distance measured from the start of the race and the distance is certified and timing meets USATF standards, e.g. chip timing, it can be counted as a record. Who am I to question USATF standards, so yes, split times otherwise meeting record standards can be counted. If your record standards differ from those of USATF, you can still count it as a personal record if it  otherwise meets your criteria.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                                Yeah. But how do I get it to show on RA as a PR, without creating a new workout, thus double-counting mileage?