Disney Half? (Read 807 times)

50 halfs by age 50

    DW offers a Minnie's Mini now on a different weekend (assuming your RA name is indicative of gender - if not, sorry) during the spring I beleive. Might be an alternative. Check Disney endurance web site.
    Unfortunately, they dropped the Minnie 15K (which was in May) and replaced it with a Princess half marathon (in March). The Princess half is the now the same course as the half that was just held on Sat, though that may change. For spectating, the best way is to stay in one of the hotels on the monorail line near Magic Kingdom (Polynesian, Contemporary, Grand Floridian). They're also the most expensive on the property. But...you can see your runner going into Magic Kingdom, then coming out, then you can hop the monorail to EPCOT and see them at the finish. The stretches between parks on the road are the hardest for some runners. For the full, my team usually has a group handing out oranges near the turnaround loop between parks (between miles 20 and 21), then some outside the studios on the way to EPCOT with licorice and other stuff. I've done the half 3 times and the full once. I think the course is most definitely better for the full, but the half goes by pretty fast.

    *Mel* //  "A lot of people run a race to see who's the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts." - Steve Prefontaine
