Average training pace. (Read 1562 times)


I've got a fever...

    My thoughts: A) You need to run at 180 cadence. No more, no less. B) You need more garlic. C) You need to somehow incorporate a 5 course meal into you long runs. D) Running skirts. Look into 'em. E) Chia running will help you immensely. I will gladly enroll you in an online course for the low low price of $500.

    On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


      My thoughts: A) You need to run at 180 cadence. No more, no less. B) You need more garlic. C) You need to somehow incorporate a 5 course meal into you long runs. D) Running skirts. Look into 'em. E) Chia running will help you immensely. I will gladly enroll you in an online course for the low low price of $500.
      My work here is done. Hey, could you help me out in that other thread: I've got this spare 0.05 miles just sitting on my Garmin, and it confuses me. Help me, Scout Kenobi. You're my only hope: http://runningahead.com/forums/topic/03464cc61462483bb1429c0f789ae77e

      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


      Good Bad & The Monkey

        My thoughts: A) You need to run at 180 cadence. No more, no less. B) You need more garlic. C) You need to somehow incorporate a 5 course meal into you long runs. D) Running skirts. Look into 'em. E) Chia running will help you immensely. I will gladly enroll you in an online course for the low low price of $500.
        New material? Not so much. Same old same old. Just like Marcus' bitch.

          New material? Not so much. Same old same old. Just like Marcus' bitch.
          Of course its the same material. You can't go tinkering with the foundations of good running.

          E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


            My thoughts: A) You need to run at 180 cadence. No more, no less. B) You need more garlic. C) You need to somehow incorporate a 5 course meal into you long runs. D) Running skirts. Look 'em up. (look up 'em) E) Chia running will help you immensely. I will gladly enroll you in an online course for the low low price of $500.
            It all sounds good to me!


            Runners run

              My thoughts: B) You need more garlic.
              There was a small but interesting study just published in the journal Nutrition Research4. Six subjects with marginally elevated blood pressure in the range of 140/90 were assigned to take placebo for 10 days. After a one week washout period they then took vitamin C 2,000 mg. daily for 10 days. After one week of further washout the six were then given 650 mg. daily of garlic tablets for 10 days. After the last washout, garlic and vitamin C were then given another 10 days. The vitamin C apparently did not have any effect on blood pressure. The garlic did result in a lowering of systolic but not diastolic pressure. However when both vitamin C and garlic were given together mean systolic and diastolic pressures were reduced to 110-120 and 75-80. The blood pressure increased when the combined supplement was stopped. The authors of the study suggested that garlic and vitamin C increases production of nitric oxide by about 300% which positively affects the inner lining of blood vessel cell walls. Whether this data will be confirmed in a bigger study is yet to be determined. It does remind me of a study on garlic many years ago indicating those receiving garlic improved the elasticity of the aorta and literally reversed decades of aging off this critical cardiovascular component.

                This worked better than I had ever hoped. Thanks, Hefty. Although, sarcasm loses a little something when a person doesn't realize that sarcasm was being used. However, if Hefty drags up some pub med posting about how running skirts shave minutes off your marathon time, well, then, he'll be my new hero, and I figure it's only a matter of time before everyone in the swamp is wearing 'em. By the way, I set a new marathon PR. I did it in 20:46. That's 20 minutes. I rule. I mean, I know the race director said it was a 5k, but we all know how much they lie about the distances. And, although my Garmin said I only ran 3.1 miles, I know for a scientific, indisputable fact that they are widely inaccurate in the best of cases. So, as you can see, new marathon PR. Suck on that, bitches. Oh, and Trent: The skirt line was new. So GFY.

                  By the way, I set a new marathon PR. I did it in 20:46. That's 20 minutes. I rule. I mean, I know the race director said it was a 5k, but we all know how much they lie about the distances. And, although my Garmin said I only ran 3.1 miles, I know for a scientific, indisputable fact that they are widely inaccurate in the best of cases. So, as you can see, new marathon PR.
                  Congrats on your new PR. 20 minutes is a very good time for a marathon. You must work out and stuff.

                  E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

                  Go Pre!

                    All I can do is read these posts and enjoy. I have nothing to contribute that would make this thread any better. This is my favorite thread in a while. And Candice isn't even here.

                      Congrats on your new PR. 20 minutes is a very good time for a marathon. You must work out and stuff.
                      Nope. I just force my body to bend to my superior mental state. I will myself to run those times. No need for fuel, no need for training. Anyone who is unable to do so is obviously mentally deficient, or lazy, or just an idiot. FYI, I learned this mental trick from the Dalai Dilligaf. It's also incorporated into my Chia Running seminar. $500 will put you well on the path to enlightenment. Of course Trent tries to downplay it. All Western medicine does, because they perceive it as a threat to their money culture.

                        Nope. I just force my body to bend to my superior mental state. I will myself to run those times. No need for fuel, no need for training. Anyone who is unable to do so is obviously mentally deficient, or lazy, or just an idiot.
                        Wow. You're very talented. No offense.

                        E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                          Elitist prickery has its advantages.

                            Nope. I just force my body to bend to my superior mental state. I will myself to run those times. No need for fuel, no need for training. Anyone who is unable to do so is obviously mentally deficient, or lazy, or just an idiot.
                            I used to do something like this, but with the assistance of the Lion King soundtrack on my iPod. Is that cheating?

                              I used to do something like this, but with the assistance of the Lion King soundtrack on my iPod. Is that cheating?
                              The Lion King soundtrack? Using music alone is bad enough, but while you're at it, why don't you just fill up the ol' idiotPod with the Wiggles, maybe some Barney, and Mr. Roger's Greatest Hits. That should get you moving along. Next thing you know, JK is gonna tell us how he crushes his workouts to the tunes from "Rent" and "Cats". "The Lion King soundtrack"......Christ in a race car.

                                Next thing you know, JK is gonna tell us how he crushes his workouts to the tunes from "Rent" and "Cats". "The Lion King soundtrack"......Christ in a race car.
                                Can you feeeeeeel .... the love ... tonight ....? Rock on. ----------- I prefer Les Miserables, by the way. And a good Hannah Montana tune.

                                E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com
