More miles than degrees club (Read 4509 times)


Interval Junkie --Nobby

    10 miles, -3 F.  And a nice 13 mph N wind as a bonus.  (Not sure where that would put the windchill).  Thankfully, this frigidity is supposed to pull out of my area pretty fast.


    I generally ignore the hysteria behind "wind chill", but when running it is worth keeping in mind.

    2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do


      Arrowhead 135 is this week in International Falls in case anyone needs inspiration.


      This IS inspiring. 135 miles in frigid conditions near the Minnesota/Canada border the last 3 days (I believe windchill temps approached -60F at some point during the event). 11 runners finished so far. The winners (there appears to be a tie for 1st) ran it in just over 36 hours. The most recent finishers took over 56 hours. There were over 50 DNFs. 2 people are presumably still on the course running. (There are also bike and ski divisions.)


      I ran to the curb to take out my trash this morning in -50F windchill (-29F air temp) and thought I was going to die.



        Does that really work? Saw it on Youtube and only half believed it.


        Fully believe it.  It just poofs up into the air.  I used a full sauce pot of water this morning.


        I’d go outside right now and video it, except I’m worried that if I took my mittens off to hit buttons on the phone, my fingers might freeze and snap off.

        I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart


        Prince of Fatness

          Fully believe it.  It just poofs up into the air.  I used a full sauce pot of water this morning.


          I’d go outside right now and video it, except I’m worried that if I took my mittens off to hit buttons on the phone, my fingers might freeze and snap off.


          I just saw a video of someone doing this on the news.  Pretty cool.  I’m thinking that doing something dumb like this would be one of the few reasons that I would venture out in that kind of cold.

          Not at it at all. 


            finally earned my memmbership for the year, nothing like everyone who actually lives up north, but i got in almost eight miles this morning in four degrees real temp with -14 wind chill


            i was cold the whole time, i don't own the right kind of layers


            Waltons ThreadLord

              I'm finally in too, barely.  7 miles in 6 degrees.  It helped that the wind calmed to 15 mph and there was bright sunshine.  I was actually a bit over dressed and am now a little dehydrated from sweating so much.

              5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
              10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

              Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4


                Six miles at minus 23 deg F.  Weather was nice and sunny with a light breeze.  The ice balls on my eyelashes were pulling my eyelids shut by the time I got back.

                T Hound

                Slower but happier

                  I wimped out of the “colder than Antarctica” weather yesterday but got 6 mi with -3F today.  Oh well maybe 30 yrs from now I will get a second chance...

                  2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block



                    Six miles at minus 23 deg F.  Weather was nice and sunny with a light breeze.  The ice balls on my eyelashes were pulling my eyelids shut by the time I got back.


                    STUD!  I like the "with a light breeze" comment.  Almost gives me the sense of an April afternoon.

                    - Joe

                    We are fragile creatures on collision with our judgment day.


                    UM 45 Ohio 23

                      Improved my first attempt. Today 8.2 miles at somewhere in the zero to minus 4 degree range. No wind made it seem pretty nice. Going to be near 50 Sunday and Monday!


                      not bad for mile 25

                         STUD!  I like the "with a light breeze" comment.  Almost gives me the sense of an April afternoon.




                        So far this year, I have avoided the eyelash-cicles, thankfully.

                        T Hound

                        Slower but happier

                          yesterday, 28 degrees at start of 50K, but finished at 37 degrees, oh well, almost...

                          2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                          T Hound

                          Slower but happier

                            -20 with -51 real feel. Does sitting on my ass count?


                            hell yeah, unless you have a hut around your hole, that's cheating

                            2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                            Joann Y


                              hell yeah, unless you have a hut around your hole, that's cheating


                              Pizza hut in my mouth hole. Does that count?


                              Good Bad & The Monkey

                                50k yesterday. Starting temp was 28.


                                Did eventually get up to 45. Does that count?


                                yesterday, 28 degrees at start of 50K, but finished at 37 degrees, oh well, almost...


                                You copying me?