Race Report: Huntsville Krispy Kreme Challenge (Read 1424 times)



    *Love* the mile-split notations on your log entry.  Very nice touch. 


    This is why I run

      Great report, I must find a race in the Wash DC area like this.  As awful as it sounds, I gotta try it.
      Clydesdales shouldn't run in Five Fingers!

        Loved your RR! Congrats on managing to eat all 12!!
          Nice report!  I've always wondered about that race...and now I know...no way.  1/2 dozen, maybe.

            yay for non-competitive competitive eating mixed with running.



            This is a race for me.  Oh yes.


            Hey, nice marmot!

              I do wish they had actually kept track of times/places instead of simply handing out shirts to those who did the 12 doughnuts and 4 miles in under one hour.


              They do seem to keep score at the original one in North Carolina.




              Now that's some competition!

              First place:  Eric Mack, Age 22

              First 2 miles:  10:55

              Donut split:  5:07

              Last 2 miles:  12:10

              Gun time:  28:11



              "The world is my country, science is my religion."-- Christiaan Huygens


              I've got a fever...


                They do seem to keep score at the original one in North Carolina.




                Now that's some competition!

                First place:  Eric Mack, Age 22

                First 2 miles:  10:55

                Donut split:  5:07

                Last 2 miles:  12:10

                Gun time:  28:11

                 Yeah, I saw that.  They had chip mats at the finish and Krispy Kreme.  Nicely done.  At the very least, ours has to figure out a better way to separate the strong (12) from the weak (<12) at the finish so they can actually process results.

                The split I'm really in awe of is the doughnut split.  Actually eating the doughnuts after running was the hardest part, and for him to be able to wolf them down in 5 minutes is awesome.  Looked at those results online; none of his three splits were the fastest, but they were all in the top 5.  Let's hear it for consistency!

                On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                A Saucy Wench

                  I gotta say I am going to bookmark this race report.  Because I felt ZERO desire to eat a donut ever again after reading it.  I might tape the sucker to my fridge. 


                  Can you post a pumpkin pie challenge and christmas cookie challenge as well?  I could use some help with those.

                  I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                  "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


                    Just send me that pumpkin pie.





                    Prince of Fatness


                      Can you post a pumpkin pie challenge and christmas cookie challenge as well?  I could use some help with those.


                      Or dare I say, gasp, beer challenge? 


                      Nice job, Globule.  This sounds like something that I am stupid enough to try.

                      Not at it at all. 


                        Nice race and report Jeff.  I really want to try one of these.  If there's one thing I can do its wolf down a bunch of donuts.  Maybe a good strategy is to jog to the KK (instead of racing it) then concentrate on a good donut split and return split?  Or even race mile 1 then taper down during the 2nd mile to allow for the elusive good donut split? 

                        I've got a fever...

                          r even race mile 1 then taper down during the 2nd mile to allow for the elusive good donut split?  

                           Well, that's more a less what I did if you look at my splits.  I slowed down a bunch from that first mile.

                          I still think the key is to go hard the first two miles.  I just need to incorporate doughnuts with interval training so that I am used to eating them after running hard.

                          On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                            That sounds quite exciting Wink

                            I've heard of these races but never a first-hand account of one :P

                            And congrats on eating all the doughnuts!
