Pity Party (Read 1383 times)

    I have lost my motivation for running; something I thought would never happen to me.  I was blind-sided in a divorce last year and since then the motivation to run has left me.  I know it is up to me to get out again, but I just can’t seem to do it…I did participate in a group run this past weekend and really enjoyed it, but getting out during the week is another story.

    I don’t even know what I expect from writing this…maybe therapeutic, seeing it written and posted will help somehow???

    Thanks to any who have “listened”.

    "It is very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runner. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit." George Sheehan

    Good Bad & The Monkey

      Sorry about your divorce.  That is hard.


      I was at a low motivation point last Fall.  Then one day I had a good run. I have run every day since, with a smile on my face.


      Sometimes you just need something different.

      Hey, nice marmot!

        Skate it off, Shirley.



        "...the competition is against
        the little voice inside you that wants to quit."



        You're letting "the little voice" win.  Not cool man.  Not cool.



        Lose to a little voice.


        Not cool.



        "The world is my country, science is my religion."-- Christiaan Huygens

        she runs like a girl


          Maybe you just need a break. So many of us feel like we never need to take days off but sometimes some time off really helps. Just relax and one bright and sunny day you will look outside and feel the overpowering urge to be out there running - and you're back.

          2010 goals: PR at distances from 3k-HM 3k: 02/02/10 - 12:00 - road 5k :03/13/10 - 20:32 - road 10mile: 04/02/10 - 1:15:49 "The only thing I hate more than running is not running"

          Prince of Fatness

            Divorce is tough.  Sorry that you had to go through that.


            At some point, though, you need to pick yourself up and move on with your life.  Just because you are divorced does not mean that you are not allowed to be happy, have interests, spend time with others, etc.


            Sometimes the hardest thing to do when you get knocked down is to pick yourself back up and start moving again.  Try to do it.  For you.


            Good luck!

            Not at it at all. 



              Hope things get better.  in the mean time maybe focus on some other interests (I know the running gods are going to send a thunder bolt).


              Sometimes when you can't sleep its better to go watch tv or read instead of just trying so hard to sleep, think the same thing might help.  Play some golf /softball, whatever (join a co-ed league) but I would still keep that weekly group run to keep you running somewhat current and the social interaction will be good for you as do not want to just curl up into a ball.


              If you have not started dating again go out on a few as maybe that will help move past the bad past year ... I dont know but hey can't hurt to have a little fun!


              Good Luck

              "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!

                Divorce is tough.  Sorry that you had to go through that.


                At some point, though, you need to pick yourself up and move on with your life.  Just because you are divorced does not mean that you are not allowed to be happy, have interests, spend time with others, etc.


                Sometimes the hardest thing to do when you get knocked down is to pick yourself back up and start moving again.  Try to do it.  For you.


                Good luck!

                Darth Tater is wise.  I've been in your shoes, and it's actually the reason I started running.  More accurately, I actually started walking.  I found that the physical activity allowed me to work off some of the abundant stress, and pumped good natural drugs into my bloodstream.  If I were you, I would think of running as over the counter medication and start wearing those soles down.


                Try to maintain a longer term focus, the short term probably won't be rosy but there will eventually be light at the end of the tunnel.  Do your best to stay on the high road, you'll never regret it.


                Best of luck to you Hawk.


                Greater Lowell Road Runners
                Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                Just Happy to Run

                  I didn't run for a year and a half during separation and divorce.  I'm now more of a runner than I was before or at anytime during my life.  Life is always changing and I'm sure you'll be back to running regulairly once you rediscover the positives of it...

                  2010 Goals
                  • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles

                    Did something specific happen at the end of February/beginning of March when your running tanked? Anniversary, divorce date, birthday, separation date, even your first date with someone new? Maybe it just hit home at that point and you realized that your marriage was truly over. Maybe you moved. Maybe she moved. Life does go on brother. I feel for you. I truly do. Curiously, my running began with just such a traumatic event. My wife moved out October 1st, 2002 and that was my first day running; the day I tested out my bad knees on a treadmill at the Y and realized a few days later they weren't bad after all. It became therapy, goal, social thing, distraction, health maintenance, and just plain fun. It became somewhere I belonged that I'd never belonged before. And I started to become kind of good at it.


                    Divorce is tough. The difficult times swell up in cycles and sometimes knock you down. It doesn't kill you though and you do survive. You begin making something new. Running (metaphorically) through this quicksand, no matter how slow, tedious, frustrating, rending, and wasteful the struggle seems, is absolutely necessary to making yourself another life again. Running can be an end in itself. It does not have to have a purpose, other than to love. Make it your own again. Find another group to run with in a different town. Try running really early in the morning, or really late at night. Find a novice runner to mentor. And try the simple, obvious things like signing up for a race, committing to a weekly run with a friend, setting wacky goals like running a bit every day, running to work or on errands, running with your dog, running with your neighbor's dog, starting a running group in your neighborhood. Set yourself up so that you can't second-guess whether or not to run; you just do.


                    And keep posting. Whether there's progress or not, keep challenging yourself to try. That's all we can ask of ourselves.


                    Good luck and let us all know.

                      "I started running to help in my attempt to change the direction my life was going at the time."


                      Sound familiar?

                      My bets would be running will help you through this.

                      Plus, 50something and out of shape is no way to get back into the game, if that's what you want.

                      Run some fartleks, and think how silly the word sounds. Fartlek. Fartlek. Fartlek. That should pick yours spirits up.


                      In all seriousness, good luck to you.

                      Menace to Sobriety

                        Skate it off, Shirley.



                        "...the competition is against
                        the little voice inside you that wants to quit."



                        You're letting "the little voice" win.  Not cool man.  Not cool.



                        Lose to a little voice.


                        Not cool.

                         Make that little voice cry for mercy.

                        Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.


                          The more you go out, the more you'll be motivated to do more. Hey, tomorrow's National Runner's Day for pete's sake.If that's not a good excuse,what is?


                          MTA- ok, sticking it to The Man is a better excuse,but the first one ain't too bad.....







                          Now that was a bath...

                            When the asshole with the small head (or Geoff as other poeple like to call him) knocked up my 16 year old daughter I ran with anger and hurt and I stamped on my shadow with pure hatred for him.  


                            I got angry.


                            I used it to run.


                            Then I ran and ran and ran and ran it out of me.


                            When the asshole with the small head (or fucking cock sucker as I now like to call him) had sex with an all Black's daughter and left my 18 year old girl and one year old grandson sobbing on the floor, I ran with hurt for all he put our family though and it motivated me to find my peace.


                            All in all the running helps bro.  Get out there.  Feel fit.  Look better.  Get angry.  Use it to run. 



                            Get thee some endorphins.


                          • jlynnbob "HTFU, Kookie's distal tibia"
                          • Where's my closet? I need to get back in it.

                               had sex with an all Black's daughter 



                              For those unfamiliar with rugby, that might need some clarification.

                              The process is the goal.

                              Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

                                  I was blind-sided in a divorce last year



                                Me too!  It's the worst thing ever.  Espeically not seeing it coming.  I just had court yesterday, and it was the hardest, sadest day of my life.


                                But, my friends all took me out and got me snockered after.


                                Good luck, don't give up.   It's just going to take some time.  You'll make it.   

                                - Anya
