Ability to comment on somebody's training log? (Read 1714 times)

    Hi Eric, Wondering if you've ever considered adding the ability to comment directly to somebody's training log, similar to the way people comment to a blog. Thanks!
    Hannibal Granite

      Personally, I don't want anyone putting anything in my log except for me. Aharmer - If you have a training question or a question about a particular workout of some one you could just put a post in a forum with thier name in the title.

      "You NEED to do this" - Shara


        This has endless possibilities.

        E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

        A Saucy Wench

          This has endless possibilities.
          Thats what I was thinking. oh so much fun to be had. MTA: WOOT

          I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


          "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

          Katie H

          Chicago winter running

            maybe if you could approve a list of users who could comment. I have friends/running partners IRL that I'd be happy to have comment on my log. And I'd like to comment on theirs when they say something funny!
            We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. - MLK Jr.

            Do I look important?

              "If you have a training question or a question about a particular workout of some one you could just put a post in a forum with thier name in the title." No offence, but that's a horrible idea. The forums would be littered with garbage posts that mean absolutely nothing to 99.9% of the RA community. Can you imagine? Posts like "Hey JoeBlow-sorry to hear about your stomach 'issues' on your run today!". Commenting on someones log is a great idea and one I've wished for the past 3 years on here. All there needs to be is a privacy box you could click so noone else can comment on your log, just as there's a way to only let certain users see your training log. It's surely easier said then done, but still something that would be great to have.

              Nobody cares what you didn't do.

                I believe (he said, with fingers crossed) that a private message system is in the works. When and if implemented, you could simply send a PM to a user if you had a question or comments about their log.

                How To Run a Marathon: Step 1 - start running. There is no Step 2.

                Hannibal Granite

                  "If you have a training question or a question about a particular workout of some one you could just put a post in a forum with thier name in the title." No offence, but that's a horrible idea. The forums would be littered with garbage posts that mean absolutely nothing to 99.9% of the RA community. Can you imagine? Posts like "Hey JoeBlow-sorry to hear about your stomach 'issues' on your run today!".
                  You realize this already happens right? It happens more so in the User Groups, but it happens in the general forums as well. Sometimes those threads are the most informative b/c we get real-world expereinces explained/discussed. If there is a thread that doesn't interest/apply to you just don't open it. As I said before I don't want any random person commenting on my log, it is my log and mine alone. If, as some have suggested there is a private message feature or something of the sort then that would be fine

                  "You NEED to do this" - Shara


                  Do I look important?

                    I agree that you (and anyone else) has the right to protect the log from comments posted by strangers. It is different though, to compare personal notes, comments, motivators that a person might post on another friends log entry, and can't be compared to general postings in the forums section. I used a very PG example above. I don't think the forums need new topic after new topic of comments that are geared towards someone elses workout that day, and likely are fairly private. The key is having a checkbox option to have the choice of whether you want others, others in your user group, or noone to have the ability to comment on your log entry.

                    Nobody cares what you didn't do.

                      Stayne, stop causing trouble and confusion! Had a couple have we.....? Tight lipped

                      Do I look important?

                        Sorry all. We gets to drink on Mondays... Yes

                        Nobody cares what you didn't do.

                          Personally, I don't want anyone putting anything in my log except for me.
                          This is my vote as well. The only way I would like it is if it were a separate message area not conflicting with training notes, and a person had to be authorized by me to post there.

                          At the end of the day, be happy with where you are and what you've accomplished.

                          eric :)

                            This is on my wish list (as opposed to must have list). I won't be able to do this until I get GPS import completed. I might fast track private messaging, depending on how complex GPS import is.
                              I think a group of users that are allowed to comment would be good. I have a couple of teammates and my coach on here, so I'd like to give and receive feedback. Also maybe a "public" and "private" running description section? That may keep some embarrassment out of the way.. Cool I guess you can make a private note already, so something like that.

                              Shut up and run.

                              Josh Frederick


                                First off, I love the new look!

                                Because of the changes, I got to thinking about the possibility of something like this being incorporated. I was going to make a new thread about it, but I just used the search function and found this. Just wondering whether or not this kind of a feature is still in the works. I love this site, but the only thing I miss from past running log websites is the ability to comment on my friends'/teammates' log entries. I think it's a great way to encourage others, post training advice that everyone (say, in a certain group) can see, and just to have some fun with your friends. 

                                Any kind of reply is appreciated. Thanks, and keep up the good work!


                                "The Trial of Miles; Miles of Trials."