When to Hydrate on Long Runs? How far is too far w/o water? (Read 1588 times)

    The only way to know for sure how much water you are losing is to weigh yourself before and after a run. I've lost as much as 8 pounds on a 20 plus mile run, that's a gallon of water. If you lose that much on a run without replacing it you'll likely be performance compromised and probably looking at serious dehydration symptoms as well. I generally take a liter of water after the first 5 miles and alternate between liters of sports drink and water every 5 miles after. You'll need some sports drink to replace lost electrolytes and experience will tell you how much. Tom
      I always run with a camelback filled with Chocolate Ovaltine. Clowning around
        I always run with a camelback filled with Chocolate Ovaltine. Clowning around
        And you know sometimes it gets so painful Just like talking to yourself When everything don't seem to have no rhyme or reason We all go Do do loo do do, do do loo do do Waiting for the sun to shine
          I always run with a camelback filled with Chocolate Ovaltine. Clowning around
          Seriously. And who doesn't.

          When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

          Eustace Tierney


            I read somewhere it was a waste of time taking water during a run as short as a 10k. Hence I never drink during a run. Never do more than 11m though. Any comments?

            "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." Goals: Keep on running!


              I read somewhere it was a waste of time taking water during a run as short as a 10k. Hence I never drink during a run. Never do more than 11m though. Any comments?
              Not sure I agree with that statment as it depends on weather conditions, speed, body type, health that day, and so on. While living in Alabama, we used to get 95/95 (heat/humidity) and there was no way I could do a hard run without something to drink along the way. Up here in the central Midwest, 6 miles without water is standard for me year round. But that's just me. Blanket rules and generalizations are just that - a cover. We need to pay attention to what our bodies say we need for fuel and hydration. Ok the soap box is clear for the next person...... Big grin

              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                It all depends on the heat and humidity of that day, and the individual runner's sweat rate. And how dehydrated you start the run. You may need to start drinking water in the first 20 feet!!!


                Runners run

                Eustace Tierney


                  How long does it take for fluids to start working once taken. Could it be 30 - 40 mins (a 10k race)?

                  "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." Goals: Keep on running!

                    I carry one 8oz bottle on a fuel belt and 2 if going on a long run. I would rather have it and not need it, than, need it and not have it. Your body will tell you when it is time for a drink. Bob

                      I read somewhere it was a waste of time taking water during a run as short as a 10k. Hence I never drink during a run. Never do more than 11m though. Any comments?
                      In training, in heat, you should drink early and often. Obviously. As for your 10k theory, there's an awful big problem with it. Specifically, some folks do a 10-k in half an hour. Some take an hour and a half. The former probably skip the water; the latter better not in hot weather. The issue isn't distance but time and effort and temperature. At my pace, I don't see much point in water stations in 5ks and 10ks, unless its 100+ degrees. And I'm not very fast. But I've run with people who complained about "only" having 1 stop in a 5-k. So each to his own, I guess. Some folks get thirsty. Plus, that all-you-can-drink free Gatorade is a pretty sweet deal.

                      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                        I take water on most runs, mostly because my stomach can handle it in races better. I do this more so my stomach is use to me guzzling on the run than any other reason. The practice does make a difference.


                          I always run with a camelback filled with Chocolate Ovaltine. Clowning around
                          Remember for contractual reasons you must say RICH Chocolate Ovaltine.
                            I do not drink nothing under 1.5h runs, even if it is hot and humid. But, I love to water my head, upper body and feet (shoes) as often as possible when it is really hot.

                              I don't really drink water while running. there really isn't any need as long as you're hydrated before you start. but i barely sweat anyway.

                              Jazz hands!

                                How long does water take to absorb into your system? I usually drink about 8oz ten minutes before I head out, but is that doing me any good? Should I be drinking it an hour before?
                                run run run AHHHHHH run run run