Finally Qualified for Boston--Thanks my old CR friends and new RA friends (Read 907 times)

Old Running Guy!

    Hey, great job on qualifying, you will enjoy the 'Boston Experience'. I qualified in '93 and ran in '94 and it was an awsome race. I turned 65 in 2007 and have enjoyed one of my best years running and won my age group in a lot of small races. I also finished 4th out of 76 in my age group in The Crim, which is a great 10 mile race in Flint, Michigan in August. Congrats again.

    Run Run Run

    2012 Goals
    Complete Dances with Dirt extreme trail relay.

    1800 miles total

    Run the Legend Trail Half Marathon

    Run the Timber Trail XT 8 mile extreme trail run

      Congrats Nick!!! I'm SO happy for you!

      Jennifer mm#1231

        Go, Nick, go, nick, go, nick! You ROCK! Well done! Thanks for sharing your wisdom at CR and now here and for letting us vicariously celebrate your wonderful accomplishment. Can't wait for your Boston race report. I was getting a little discouraged after over analyzing the logs of my 22-month running career yesterday. Thanks for bringing me back to the reality that I'm still a baby in terms of the number of years I hope to be running. Eliz



          Congrats Nick.
          90 percent of the game is not giving up.

          Think Whirled Peas

            Congrats! Enjoy Boston, you certainly earned it!

            Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


            Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>


              Yay Nick!! So will it be Boston '08 or '09?
                Yay Nick!! So will it be Boston '08 or '09?
                Not real sure. I must admit that back in 1978 I went and ran Boston as a bandit. I had a number made that said "Too Slow". It took me 7 minutes to get to the starting line. Ran a 3:51--second marathon. It was really a thrill. It was all about qualifying for me. My age grade time was a 3:10---that is 6 minutes faster than my '85 marathon PR. SWEET. Thanks to all for the kudos. My facial cheeks are sore from smiling all day. I won't comment on the other cheeks. Wink Nick
                  Way to go Nick! I hope I'm still kickin it like you when I get there. You're a great inspiration.
                  Finished my first marathon 1-13-2008 in 6:03:37 at P.F. Chang's in Phoenix. PR in San Antonio RnR 5:45:58!!!!!! on 11-16-08 The only thing that has ever made any difference in my running is running. Goal: Break 2:30 in the HM this year Jay Benson Tri (place in Athena category) 5-10-09

                  Big Chicken!

                    Nick, YOU ROCK!! Recently, when asked about heroes by my kids, I mentioned you (among others, along with why real people make better heroes than cartoon characters). You inspire people to want to be more like you. You inspire people to try their best. You just rock! Congratulations on your BQ! Now, take a few days off and bask in the glory.
                    Kris C Running away from the couch one mile at a time!

                    Another Passion

                      Well done, Nick! Congratulations on the BQ! Big grin

                      "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                      "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


                        AWESOME JOB NICK!!! Shocked Shocked Congrats!
                          Good for you. Congratulations.
                            Wow Nick! Congrats!!!!!!! Big grin
                              So there IS still hope for me, I can dream of a BQ. I only have 60,000 miles to catch up to you, should be a piece of cake. Wink Congrats Nick, that is absolutely fantastic. Smile

                              Greater Lowell Road Runners
                              Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                              May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


                                Way To GO NICK!!! Big grin That's truly awesome!!! Cool






