Has anyone run the Willow Tree Half Marathon in Providence? (Read 381 times)


    I'm looking for a half marathon in New England in early to mid-May. Has anyone run the Willow Tree HM in Providence? http://www.coxrhoderaces.com/halfMarathon.php I think last year was the first year. It's part of the Cox Rhode Races, which includes the Cox Sports Marathon the same day.
      I ran the inaugural marathon, and if I recall correctly the courses were the same for seven or eight fairly hilly miles before they split. I am still on their mailing list, and received an email indicating they were changing the course but I don't know how significant the changes are. It was kind of a bumpy ride when I was there, but that's not really surprising for a first try. (And now for something completely different...I saw Mr Camire at the Super 5K and he said opening night for Good Times is April 7th. Hope to see you there!)

      Greater Lowell Road Runners
      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


        Thanks, Ed. I'm not so fond of hills, but it will be good for me to HTFU and do a hilly HM. I'm sure there's no rush to sign up for this one. I hope to run GT5K in April. My job situation is a bit unstable, so it will depend on whether I'm in the Lowell area. Plus, I never got my award for finishing 3rd in my age group in the summer. There was a mix up in scoring the last night (understandable), but it was supposed to be mailed to me later. I'm trying to be a big girl and get over it. Sad


          I also did the marathon last year. They have a bunch of pictures of me on the site. The course changes shouldn't matter too much; the start is just going to be near the finish line & host hotel now instead of over on the other side of the river. I haven't looked yet to see where it meets up with the old course but I doubt it's more than a mile or two.

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