2010 Goal of Sub 3:00 marathon (Read 8721 times)


    Yo DB...I just noticed you have me down for a sub 2:50 at HHFMM?  Did I ever publicly state that as a goal? 


    I believe you have said you are going to smack down A1 and myself, so I thought you should have the same goal - seemed logical.

    Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



      DB, add me to the list. Just signed up to race:


      Akron Marathon


      goal sub 3


      I have paced the 3:40 or 3:30 group here in each of past six years. First time racing this course


        Looking for some thoughts on my interval work this week.  Wednesday I will be 3.5 weeks out from my race.  I was thinking it would be a good time for some Yasso's but I'm not really sure it would be the best thing.  Should I go longer (1200 or 1600 repeats) or shorter (200 or 400 repeats).  Again, just looking for some experienced feedback. 


        3 x 2000m at about 5-10 secs per mile slower than 10k race pace, jog a 400 in between.  With a long warmup and longish cooldown.



        Runners run


          Nice week Mike.  2 good races and a long run?  Solid bro!



          I was really surprised how good I felt on yesterday's 5k.  That was off of my biggest week of this buildup, after racing a 25k on Monday and running an easy 18 miler on Saturday.  And I mean I'm tired today but no more than a normal Monday--less I would say.


          Weird.  I would have never thought to do a 5k the day after an 18 miler, would have previously considered that a total waste of time.  A buddy of mine talked me into it on Friday--he actually ran 21 on Saturday when I stopped at 18.  We both ran surprisingly close to our PR's yesterday.  I think that was my 4th fastest 5k ever and 2nd fastest in the last 5 years.


          I have definitely learned some things on this buildup...I need to write it all up when it's over.

          Runners run



            3 x 2000m at about 5-10 secs per mile slower than 10k race pace, jog a 400 in between.  With a long warmup and longish cooldown.




            Wow, that's different.  So the intervals are supposed to be at about threshold pace?




              Wow, that's different.  So the intervals are supposed to be at about threshold pace?


              A little faster than that...10 seconds probably is too much.  5 secs slower than 10k race pace is about where I'd do them.

              Runners run



                A little faster than that...10 seconds probably is too much.  5 secs slower than 10k race pace is about where I'd do them.


                It's on like donkey kong.  Thanks dude

                  I saw you ran Albany last year.  Any tips, thoughts?


                  NIce little race, I think last year might have been their first sellout and it might have overwhelmed the club a bit.  That happens when you get a mention in Runner's World as having a very high percentage of Boston qualifiers.


                  The "expo" is really just packet pickup, with the opportunity to grab a couple of Gu if you need 'em.  They did have some really reasonably priced RaceReady shorts in the presenting club's colors too, kinda wish I had grabbed a pair.


                  I stayed at the Crowne Plaza in Albany, which was a good choice.  Nice facility, had a pasta dinner buffet the night before the race.  It was a very short walk to the bus to the start, that scene was a little chaotic but nothing really major.  I don't know if they are planning to add more portajohns at the start, but a handful of  public restroom stalls and two portajohns really wasn't enough for the number of runners (724 finishers in '09).  Thankfully it was in a public park, and a short jog brought me to a nearby wooded area (that was pretty full of well-hydrated runners) .


                  With the exception of two short and fairly steep downhills, it really is very flat.  Maybe too flat for some, but that's not really a problem for me.  The majority of the run is on a pair of bikepaths, so for the most part trafic isn't a concern.  For a while I was stuck with some asshat on a bike coaching/pacing the fourth place woman.  It was really tough to keep my mouth shut, he was wobbling back and forth and I was getting ready to shove him into the ditch but I just hit the gas and dropped them instead.  Other than that, I didn't have any problems with bikers, pedestrians or pets on the paths.


                  The water stops were adequate, if I recall correctly I think they were every two miles.  I don't usually trust races to deliver gels, but as promised they had Gu at one point on the course (and at or before the distance stated in the course info).


                  Weather conditions last year were just about perfect, nice and cool at the start and warmed up enough to be very comfortable in a singlet during the race.  Hope you get the same.


                  If you pick your head up more than I usually do (I'm usually looking for that next pothole or chunk of gravel...) the fall scenery is really nice in spots.  It's a nice little old-school marathon, I think you'll be very happy with your choice.

                  Greater Lowell Road Runners
                  Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                  May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                  The Thunder



                    I believe you have said you are going to smack down A1 and myself, so I thought you should have the same goal - seemed logical.

                     Won't take a sub 2:50 to beat you at the Monkey this year.  Smile 

                    1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…



                      NIce little race, I think last year might have been their first sellout and it might have overwhelmed the club a bit.  That happens when you get a mention in Runner's World as having a very high percentage of Boston qualifiers.


                      The "expo" is really just packet pickup, with the opportunity to grab a couple of Gu if you need 'em.  They did have some really reasonably priced RaceReady shorts in the presenting club's colors too, kinda wish I had grabbed a pair.


                      I stayed at the Crowne Plaza in Albany, which was a good choice.  Nice facility, had a pasta dinner buffet the night before the race.  It was a very short walk to the bus to the start, that scene was a little chaotic but nothing really major.  I don't know if they are planning to add more portajohns at the start, but a handful of  public restroom stalls and two portajohns really wasn't enough for the number of runners (724 finishers in '09).  Thankfully it was in a public park, and a short jog brought me to a nearby wooded area (that was pretty full of well-hydrated runners) .


                      With the exception of two short and fairly steep downhills, it really is very flat.  Maybe too flat for some, but that's not really a problem for me.  The majority of the run is on a pair of bikepaths, so for the most part trafic isn't a concern.  For a while I was stuck with some asshat on a bike coaching/pacing the fourth place woman.  It was really tough to keep my mouth shut, he was wobbling back and forth and I was getting ready to shove him into the ditch but I just hit the gas and dropped them instead.  Other than that, I didn't have any problems with bikers, pedestrians or pets on the paths.


                      The water stops were adequate, if I recall correctly I think they were every two miles.  I don't usually trust races to deliver gels, but as promised they had Gu at one point on the course (and at or before the distance stated in the course info).


                      Weather conditions last year were just about perfect, nice and cool at the start and warmed up enough to be very comfortable in a singlet during the race.  Hope you get the same.


                      If you pick your head up more than I usually do (I'm usually looking for that next pothole or chunk of gravel...) the fall scenery is really nice in spots.  It's a nice little old-school marathon, I think you'll be very happy with your choice.

                      Post-race, try to go by Bombers on Lark Street.  It's a Mexican joint, good burritos, tacos, etc.  They also have very good wings.  


                      If you're looking for pizza, check out DiCarlitos.



                      "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                        Thanks EJ


                          But it will take a sub 2:50 to beat A1


                          They gave my fat ass bib #2 for Milwaukee Marathon - That's a bit embarrassing.

                          Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                          The Thunder

                            But it will take a sub 2:50 to beat A1


                            They gave my fat ass bib #2 for Milwaukee Marathon - That's a bit embarrassing.


                            I hope we all show up in great shape, now get to work! 


                            I think a sub 2:55 on that course will put any of the three of us in good position.  I'd love to see us all go under that. 

                            1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…




                              I hope we all show up in great shape, now get to work! 


                              I think a sub 2:55 on that course will put any of the three of us in good position.  I'd love to see us all go under that. 


                              You better keep your eye on the ball.

                              Runners run




                                I wish I cared - You are doing a good job trying to motivate me to get my ass in gear ... thank you ... but I am beyond help - so save your energy.

                                Long dead ... But my stench lingers !