2010 Goal of Sub 3:00 marathon (Read 8721 times)


    Please put me down for a sub-3 try at Cal International Marathon - Sacramento, CA on 12/5/10.   Just coming off of a 3 week layoff - not good.   Just had a 3 week rest - good.  We'll see.

    The Thunder



      You better keep your eye on the ball.


      I like to juggle.

      1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…





        Please put me down for a sub-3 try at Cal International Marathon - Sacramento, CA on 12/5/10.   Just coming off of a 3 week layoff - not good.   Just had a 3 week rest - good.  We'll see.

        Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



          Hey Ken, hope you had a nice trip.  Sub 3 at CIM for you should not be a problem.  I am much slower than you but still will shoot for sub 3 at CIM. 


          I have given up hope on Chicago since I had lingering right knee pain for much of Aug.  I finally realized the major culprit for the problem but I lost valuable time.


          Please put me down for a sub-3 try at Cal International Marathon - Sacramento, CA on 12/5/10.   Just coming off of a 3 week layoff - not good.   Just had a 3 week rest - good.  We'll see.


          Self anointed title

            DB - please could you amend my 17/10 goal from 2:45 to sub 3:00? I am eating and drinking too much, not running enough. I barely managed a 1:25 half at the weekend. Things are not going well.





              3 x 2000m at about 5-10 secs per mile slower than 10k race pace, jog a 400 in between.  With a long warmup and longish cooldown.




              LOVED this workout.  Thanks again.

              The Thunder

                DB - please could you amend my 17/10 goal from 2:45 to sub 3:00? I am eating and drinking too much, not running enough. I barely managed a 1:25 half at the weekend. Things are not going well.


                What is it with you two?!  You both have inspired me on many occassions.  Sack up, and get back to work.  If I end up with a better marathon time than either of you this year, it will be a cryin' shame. 

                1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…


                  Hey Ken, hope you had a nice trip.  Sub 3 at CIM for you should not be a problem.  I am much slower than you but still will shoot for sub 3 at CIM.


                  I have given up hope on Chicago since I had lingering right knee pain for much of Aug.  I finally realized the major culprit for the problem but I lost valuable time.




                   If you're going for sub-3 at CIM then you're NOT much slower than me!  It will take some solid training and making the right training decisions in the short amount of time I have left to get me back in <3 shape.  Hopefully your knee issue has resolved by now.  You still going to Chicago?



                     If you're going for sub-3 at CIM then you're NOT much slower than me!  It will take some solid training and making the right training decisions in the short amount of time I have left to get me back in <3 shape.  Hopefully your knee issue has resolved by now.  You still going to Chicago?


                    Good luck training for this Ken, fingers crossed for a 5th straight sub 3 clocking, that would be a very impressive achievement!  & good luck Geo too.


                      Good luck training for this Ken, fingers crossed for a 5th straight sub 3 clocking, that would be a very impressive achievement!  & good luck Geo too.





                      Thanks, Robin.  I don't know about 5 straight as I'll be running Silicon Valley at the end of Oct.  But I won't really be racing it, just jogging it as a long run.  It's schtupid as my main race goals this Fall are two 1/2 marathons sandwiched around SiValley and then, of course, CIM.   I should completely bag SiValley but I have a streak going there - they've had it 12 years and I've done them all, unfortunately.  I have half a mind to blow it off this year to get the streak bug off my back.   .. but I probably won't.  I've already paid my entry fee to CIM but haven't paid for SiValley yet so you never know.


                      PS - I have confidence that my training will go well as I've recruited RA favored son JimHowe to 'coach'  me.  He's gonna help me try to make smart decisions rather than hammer the hell out of myself as I'd probably do on my own.  For those interested, Jim is still out there - just has an injury that needs to resolve.  Not much running but may be coming back, fingers crossed.


                        DB - please could you amend my 17/10 goal from 2:45 to sub 3:00? I am eating and drinking too much, not running enough. I barely managed a 1:25 half at the weekend. Things are not going well.


                        Although I understand that you are no longer < 2:45 - Our punishment for fretting away a good summer of training is to not have our goal changed on this board ... So request denied fellow slacker!

                        Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                          PS - I have confidence that my training will go well as I've recruited RA favored son JimHowe to 'coach'  me.  He's gonna help me try to make smart decisions rather than hammer the hell out of myself as I'd probably do on my own.  For those interested, Jim is still out there - just has an injury that needs to resolve.  Not much running but may be coming back, fingers crossed.


                          Ah, good to hear Jim is still involved, hopefully he'll get a decent run injury free soon.  In the meantime it looks like you are in for lots of CV intervals, enjoy! Wink



                            Ah, good to hear Jim is still involved, hopefully he'll get a decent run injury free soon.

                            +1 (assuming you're referring to JimHowe).

                            "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

                              Hi Ken,


                              Can't wait to see Jim back in action!


                              Sub 3 should be no problem for you.  But it would be great for me to try to stay close to you at CIM.


                              I am still planning to go to Chicago, since my variable cost is just the hotel and the food.  I figure I probably will run it once only.  So, I will most likely just use it as a long run.


                              DB, please change my goal race to CIM in Dec, because of my injured right knee.


                              Self anointed title


                                What is it with you two?!  You both have inspired me on many occassions.  Sack up, and get back to work.  If I end up with a better marathon time than either of you this year, it will be a cryin' shame. 


                                Thunder - if you had seen me wobble my pathetic way around 13.1 miles in 1hr 25 at the weekend... you would understand. I actually went for a run this morning - so there is that I guess. DB - denial of request graciously accepted. But there is no way on God's earth that I can get close to 2:45. I suspect that I will be happy with 2:55.