2010 Goal of Sub 3:00 marathon (Read 8721 times)

Sine Metu



    I agree.  I'm thinking that if any of them have me OVER 3:00 they I have no shot at going under.  Since all have me under the I feel that the door is cracked.  Now I just need to force my way in.


    I saw you ran Albany last year.  Any tips, thoughts?


    Not sure how I got to this thread, as I'm nowhere near sub-3, but I thought I would chime in on MHRM since it's my hometown race.  I echo everything that BadDawg said, basically.  Race starts in Central Park and weaves through Schenectady to the bike path.  There's a short screaming downhill, and then it is mostly pancake flat save a few dips here and there.  I like the first half of the race very much, nice and scenic right on the river.  You are briefly on roads near halfway, as you cross under route 87.


    After halfway, you're back on the bike path for a while into Cohoes.  Another big downhill puts you on roads through Cohoes and Watervliet.  This is my least favorite part of the race-- not scenic at all and the side of the road sucks after being spoiled by bike paths all race.  After 4-5 miles, you're back on the bike path for the home stretch.  I've run/biked this portion a lot.  It's a nice woodsy area nestled between the Hudson River and I-787.  No hills here whatsoever, big surprise.  Finish area is great, too.


    I was thinking about volunteering at the finish, but I think my wife somehow talked me in to taking her to VT for the weekend.  Good luck.

    A lot of pressure in the middle of those shoulders / And we ain't gettin nothing but older / Ain't nothing change but the day we run from / But nobody knows that better than you,huh

    Sine Metu


      Post-race, try to go by Bombers on Lark Street.  It's a Mexican joint, good burritos, tacos, etc.  They also have very good wings.  


      If you're looking for pizza, check out DiCarlitos.




      Bombers is awesome.  I'd also throw in Wolff's Biergarten (owned by the same guy who owns Bombers, actually), good German beer/food/atmosphere.  If the race were a week earlier, it'd be a shitshow there, they shut down the street for Oktoberfest festivities.

      A lot of pressure in the middle of those shoulders / And we ain't gettin nothing but older / Ain't nothing change but the day we run from / But nobody knows that better than you,huh





        Guess I need a time machine then.  Smile


        I suppose I'll have to attempt it in 2011.....

          Well after some serious time off with a hip fracture Im back on the hunt for a sub 3 marathon.  Just ran a 1:19 1/2 today so I think Im in good shape to pull if off at the Marine Corps Marathon on 31 Oct.

          2010 Goals 3000 Miles 1/2 Marathon-Sub 1:20:00 Marathon-Sub 3:00

          Are we there yet?

            Prob time to grab a bite to eat at the half.. Big grin

            Why is it sideways?

              Good week for me. 101 miles in 12 runs.


              Key workouts: 

              6 x 800m, kept the effort easy

              8 mile tempo cut down from 6:40 to 5:20 pace

              21 mile progression run, avg pace 6:20, last three miles 5:38, 5:37, 5:12

              Lots of easy running.


              Rounding into form.

                70 miles


                1 workout- 3x2000 @ 10K pace +5sec w/ 400m recovery

                Went out for 24 this morning had to stop and turn back at 5 miles.  Calf strain popped up this week and was bad when I headed out this morning.  I was thinking it may just loosen up during the run but the opposite happened.  I was limping by 5 miles so I turned around and limped 5 back to my car.  Lots of pills, lots of ice, lots of compression, lots of elevation.  Maybe I can get a 20 miles in on Wed and go with a 18 day taper as opposed to a 21 day.


                  Got in about 82 miles this week in 8 runs.



                  Tues -- 11.7 mile fartlek

                  Thu -- 3 x 3200m @ 15k pace / jog 400

                  Sun -- 21.5 mile long run, mix of roads and trails.


                  4 weeks to go till Baystate, next weekend I'm racing a half and would love to get under 1:20.

                  Runners run

                  The Thunder

                    I don't have any key workouts to report...cause as Mikeymike says, "The Thunder doesn't do workouts".  However, I got in 101 miles this week...and had a nice fun long run today.  I feel good. 

                    1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…


                      Just dropping in to say that, though I won't be under 3:00 this year (in fact, this will be my first year without a PR at any distance, starting in 2004), I'm about 90% sure I'm going to jump back into training, and shoot for my second sub-3 in 2011. Actually I'd like to go sub-2:55. (Not sure I can put in the effort required just to go sub-3 again. It was worth it, the first time.) I think I was still improving when I ran 2:59:38 at Boston 2009. But, now I have a long way to catch up. So probably it will have to be fall 2011. I was in better shape at this time in 2008, and trained pretty hard for Boston.


                      I'm probably going to go with Pfitzinger again; however I've hooked up with a local training group led by a 2:17 marathoner (Jerry Ziak), so the speedwork may be tweaked to fit in with this group. I'm finding the warmups, group energy, and post-workout exercises very helpful.

                      The King of Beasts

                        last week was 58 miles in 7 runs


                        most runs an easy hour

                        one shakeout test run of 800's with Jeff, i was hoping to do better

                        felt pretty good in the hills


                        (sort of funny that I can run more in a week than I did 2 years and still call it a laughably easy week)


                        did a 21 mile run on Sunday to start this week, dont feel too bad this monday morning.

                        "As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin' man I have chalked up many a mile. Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks, And I've learned much from both of their styles." ~ Jimmy Buffett


                        "I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."”


                          Just dropping in to say that, though I won't be under 3:00 this year (in fact, this will be my first year without a PR at any distance, starting in 2004), I'm about 90% sure I'm going to jump back into training, and shoot for my second sub-3 in 2011. Actually I'd like to go sub-2:55. (Not sure I can put in the effort required just to go sub-3 again. It was worth it, the first time.) I think I was still improving when I ran 2:59:38 at Boston 2009. But, now I have a long way to catch up. So probably it will have to be fall 2011. I was in better shape at this time in 2008, and trained pretty hard for Boston.


                          I'm probably going to go with Pfitzinger again; however I've hooked up with a local training group led by a 2:17 marathoner (Jerry Ziak), so the speedwork may be tweaked to fit in with this group. I'm finding the warmups, group energy, and post-workout exercises very helpful.


                          Very cool.

                          Runners run


                            My first week of m training - goal is just to push volume back up again for now.  54 miles in 6 runs including yesterday's long run of 16 miles.  The end of that run was pretty rough - all I could do just to finish it.  I've got a long way to go.  On the bright side, my legs feel just fine today, maybe yesterday was just a bad day.


                              Funny, the long run is the one aspect of my training that has not suffered in the past year and a half -- I've gotten in 30 marathons/ultras since Boston '09 (more than I had run up to that point, which is pretty weird).

                                You guys beat us by 50 minutes. I see you missed out placing in the top 3 mixed teams by 11 minutes. Tough considering it was a 209 mile race. I'm definitely doing it again next year. Hopefully, my goal marathon won't be two weeks after the relay so I could run a little faster and tougher legs.... I hope you didn't have to run legs 8,20 or 32...



                                 My first time too but most have the team has done a few. What's your team's start time? We're Bunnies bahaving badly starting at 2:20. We're not sure we have 11 or 12 people at the moment either it'll be fun either way. How hard are you planning on running this? I know it can't be a good Idea to race this thing 3 weeks out from my marathon.