2010 Goal of Sub 3:00 marathon (Read 8721 times)

    Training is just starting to ramp up, the AT Tendon injury is gone and now I'm just dealing with some lower shin pain on the opposite side of the same leg. Not enough to stop training at least, but definitely had a few bad patches. I won't go into the long story, but trying to rule out either a nerve issue from the lower back or muscle imbalance. I'm 18 weeks out from Houston right now and have a lot of work to do if I'm going to get back to 2:55 shape...



    Good luck on Sunday, even though your training my not have been ideal, you have the raw speed that puts you way under a sub 3:00!


      Just wanna wish DCV the very best of luck this weekend.  Go nail it, buddy!


        Just wanna wish DCV the very best of luck this weekend.  Go nail it, buddy!


        +1.  Seems we have about 5 or  6 guys going for it this weekend.  Good luck to all.

          Thanks. Hope my hip hold out, but I'll give it a shot!

          The Thunder

            Go TAKE it!  It's yours!

            1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…


              Thanks. Hope my hip hold out, but I'll give it a shot!

               Hey DCV,   your training looks good, I think you can make your goal.  Have a great race. 

                Good luck DCV, the training looks great as ever!

                  Good luck DCV, Flovesparko, DB, and the rest of the sub 3 crew this weekend.  Kick some butt!

                  Are we there yet?

                    Good luck -> DcVictory.DopBizzle.FlowParker.Mr.Ed.BP.J-dog26.2


                    Holy crap MIkeyMike, nice HM victory!! Smile sorry lil late been nursing a... 8 mo old, 3yr old, new job, sore calf, you name it, haha!


                    Thank God for running!

                      Wineglass Marathon, Sunday at 8am for me. I have never felt this good going into a marathon and everything is right on track. Just gonna go for it and see what I can do. Going to shoot for 2:52.

                      The Thunder

                        Ran a 15k today.  Ho-hum....54:46.  I might be in shape to break 3 hours. 

                        1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

                          Ran a 15k today.  Ho-hum....54:46.  I might be in shape to break 3 hours. 


                          Dude, 54:46 and you MIGHT be in shape the break 3 hours?

                            Dude, 54:46 and you MIGHT be in shape the break 3 hours?


                            Heh. He is apprehensive, eh?


                            Nice race, Thunder. Take this confidence-builder and land the plane.

                              Things went great today. 2:50:24 at the Wineglass Marathon. 6:29 pace, 1:25:21 first half, slightly negative split second half. No complaints. I am thrilled.


                                Things went great today. 2:50:24 at the Wineglass Marathon. 6:29 pace, 1:25:21 first half, slightly negative split second half. No complaints. I am thrilled.


                                Congrats!  That's perfect execution.

                                Runners run