2010 Goal of Sub 3:00 marathon (Read 8721 times)

    kencamet, I might have been more positive (or less negative) if it wasn't 320+ miles away. A little to long to drive. Out of the 5 marathons I've run (Chicago, New York, Boston, Houston, Wineglass), all were good, but I would have to rank this lower than Chicago, Boston and Houston. I'll save my comparison to New York until after November 7th.


    It was a beautiful fall day. It was a beautiful course. There really wasn't any mismanagement by the course officials or race officials. Everything went pretty well considering they doubled the size of the race in one year.


    Nice run, dcv.  That picture shows what looks to be a BEAUTIFUL fall day to run a marathon - jealous!

    I gotta say that, even with your reasonable 1) - 7) points, I still prefer the small-time marathons to the mega-event marathons.  To each his own, right? Anyway, again, congrats to you for running a 2:53 and having it be a 'OK race'.  I love fall marathon season - these RRs are getting me excited and motivated.


    My legs are pretty sore today. Pfitz calls for 5 miles on Wednesday in his 5-6 week in between marathon plan. I might try to do it on an elliptical, maybe....

      Congrats ccowden, dcv, DB, and flovesparko.


      Nice read when multiple runners in the same event (and bike reporters, too)


      Terrific results

        Wow, an impressive race weekend for all.  Really no failures.  


        Flovesparko, nice job and excellent self restraint to stick it through with your friend. Something tells me your good deed will not go forgotten and you will nail a sub 2:50 next year.  DB, you never cease to amaze me with what you can do regardless of the challenge.  DCV, to have a bad race and run a 2:53, is a pretty good thing.  Many sub 3ers, have had bad races and came nowhere near finishing under 3, much less 7 minutes.  CCowden, excellent job, your performance was very inspiring!


          I hope eddy had a great race!


          The rest of you doing battle this weekend - Stay smooth - smooth is fast.  Even when it hurts like hell - relax and keep good form - When it feels like it might be going south - keep great form - giving it all you have and fake it to the finish line.

          Long dead ... But my stench lingers !





            Mikey-Mike - I sure hope you get a perfect weather day - If you do I am counting on you to break 2:49 ... Half marathon time x2 + 5 minutes baby!


            Fantastic job CCOWDEN, DCV, GREAT TIMES!!!!!!!   ALSO TO  MIKEYMIKE FOR HIS 1:19 HALF and WIN, I always like when I see a fellow 40 plus guy run fast. 

            Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




              Almost wish we were doing Lakefront this year.  My wife and sister-in-law actually made the front cover of the runner's guide.  Too funny.  Training been's so-so as I've been sticking to XT-ing the last two-and-half weeks.  Two weeks until Chicago and what will hopefully be a <2:50 effort.  I've backed off the stretch goal of <2:40 since the achilles flared up.  Been keeping it at bay since and know I'll at least able to toe the line ready to go.  Not what I wanted for the last 5 weeks heading into the marathon but we'll see what happens.

               What would you like me to add as your goal for Chicago?

              Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



              Are we there yet?

                ccowden .. thanks for the race report.. well articulated!


                great race by all!! Way to represent the club!!!


                I ran a HM on Sunday in 1:27:35 after 4 weeks back from an 11 week hiatus post surgery.. NYC should be interesting, but fun for sure!


                  I am saying the same about NYC also. Never ran two marathons so close together. I am going to hit the elliptical for 5 miles today. I have no clue what I'm going to do in NYC. But I'm going to make sure I enjoy it no matter what!


                  ccowden .. thanks for the race report.. well articulated!


                  great race by all!! Way to represent the club!!!


                  I ran a HM on Sunday in 1:27:35 after 4 weeks back from an 11 week hiatus post surgery.. NYC should be interesting, but fun for sure!


                    I think it's a longshot, but I'm going to try to get it done in Hartford on Saturday morning.

                    Greater Lowell Road Runners
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


                      BadDawg - 10/09/10 - Hartford Marathon, Hartford, CT


                      As it is written - So it will be done!

                      Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                        mbehr - 10/10/10 Chicago, Chicago, IL (<2:50)


                        mbehr - This is what I think you said?  Have a great one

                        Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                          I hope not, but my guess is we lost Eddy - His last log entry was end of August and I did not see him in the results for the marathon - Eddy please let us know how you are doing and what is up - If you are going through a rough patch ... Chin up it happens to us all - just keep plugging away at it!

                          Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                             What would you like me to add as your goal for Chicago?

                             <2:50  Finally got a couple of runs in the last few days.  Feels good to shake out the cob webs and get in the groove again.  We'll see how Sunday goes.



                               <2:50  Finally got a couple of runs in the last few days.  Feels good to shake out the cob webs and get in the groove again.  We'll see how Sunday goes.


                              Have a great race - Looks like reasonable weather - Not perfect, but not bad

                              Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                              Are we there yet?

                                DB -> I know its bit early but you do a great job with this forum.. any thoughts about next year?? Or do you need a break.. I am getting my race schedule together and am ready to throw a few out for 2011.. you taking orders? Tight lips