GCM Race Report - rvelich's - VERY Long (Read 1121 times)

    Ok...so I read all of JK's blather and now I just have to say...Jesus wept...and Zoomy, too. Cry
    Jessica Alba wept too. Nicely done, JK.



    Consistently Slow

      Great job! That is what I call a real "GUT CHECK". Smile

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter


      Outside Lane

        Thanks for a truly inspiring account of the day - from all 3 of you. Congrats to Rick and JK for gutting it out on a bad (was it miserable?) weather day. Was your leg broken? stress fracture? A truly incredible story and you are blessed with great support - that was so cool. You both have the gift of gab - wonderful writers - and obviously damn good runners too. I have to admit between this report and the one from freckles - I am really blown away. Anything is possible. And there are truly good people here. I came here when Active imploded CR. I had never really read any of the forum posts on CR - just never took the time - and never posted there either. But I am sure glad I take the time to read reports like this. I am training for my first HM on May 4 and you guys will be in my mind when I am running. You guys rocked - and I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on the day. Be proud of what you accomplished - and know that you have inspired others. Thank you!

        See how they run...


          Just when you think it's time to finally blow up the Internet...something like this comes along. Good.

          Runners run


            nice race and report Rick and JK. Great pictures too Mishka. You just saved the internet from being blown up. Awesome stuff.

              awesome thread to read....congratulations to you guys!

              Lazy idiot

                Note to the ladies: Mishka has a great smile. In fact, I was informed later by trusted sources that he is both "cute" and "hot." I can neither confirm nor deny, but he does have a great smile, and it was awfully welcome.
                JK, I showed my wife pictures of Mishka. She confirmed he's both "cute" and "hot". Oddly, she didn't say anything about you... Okay, I lied, she said you were cute, too. And Rick is a firefighter, so he automatically scores points.

                Tick tock

                Another Passion

                  Man, I am humbled by all the comments. Maybe I was foolish in even attempting this race given the semi-broken state my body was in going into it and there are probably some of you that think I was a total idiot for doing so for putting myself at risk for maybe what is a serious injury. I dunno. It doesn't matter. In the end what matters are relationships and... I would trade two right legs for the opportunity to meet another JK and Mishka as I did as a result of this, Eric's nonself-serving, site, RA. There are no better quality people. JK... people here are right... you have a gift of articulation and, I am grateful and blessed to read your insight, wit, and heartfelt comments every day here. It was a pleasure meeting you this past weekend and, I'm sorry you missed the cookout. We even had beer. Well, according to Q, Bell's Oberon doesn't qualify as beer, but even though I live in a town named Temperance... I still could have gone out and bought you something that does qualify as beer. You were spot on with all your comments about the race, the cops, the volunteers (Thank you Mike!), and my family and friends (who, by the way, actually liked you too?). I would only serve to muddy things up if I tried to say anythong anything more about the whole weekend. Oh, other than Kelly is a very lovely, sweet, and beautiful woman and we were glad to have met her as well. (thinking to self - how'd he manage that?!?) If you ever come up to visit grandma again... call me... we'll snag Mishka and an emu or two and we'll head for Packo's. Thanks for a great first marathon! Mishka... I related to you in another thread how unknowingly vital you were to me out on that (what did JK call it? Miserably miserable? Yea, I think that was it.) race course Sunday. I truly believe that I would not have finished were it not for coming across you again with those 2 or so miles left. I don't really remember where it was at because now that I reflect on it, I was seriously delirious from the pain I was in and the exposure. Your company and conversation saw me through to the light at the end of the tunnel. I am really disappointed I was not able to pet your emu though, but seeing as how you forgot to feed it its snack the day before, I was probably better off. Although, I think at one point I was seeing emus? Maybe that was just the Toledo Zoo I passed? I don't know, I don't really remember at that point. Thanks for helping out a fellow runner. My first marathon race was not how I had hoped or envisioned it to go and I didn't finish in the time I was shooting for. In fact, it was pretty... what's the word I'm searching for... oh yea... miserable, but I wouldn't change any of it for anything now. Thanks everyone for the kind comments. A quick note to anyone reading this that is questioning their ability to do anything like this in your future... I was you once too. Smile

                  "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                  "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


                    I'd been meaning to sit down and read through these reports earlier in the week. I'm glad I waited until I had time to read them word for word. Amazing. Inspiring runs and excellent reports - thank you both

                      We even had beer.
                      Beer was not mentioned. And I assumed you'd be in a coma. You're a stud. The Detroit Marathon starts in 6 months, 2 days, 22 hours, and 24 minutes. Looks kinda fun. http://www.detroitmarathon.com/ Just sayin'.

                      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                      I've got a fever...

                        Jessica Alba wept too.
                        Yeah, someone should have told her that all that freezing cold causes shrinkage.

                        On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                          wow...another great read JK. The whole thing was heartwarming, inspiring, and funny as hell. We don't need bad mojo...don't even mention the next race in this thread. I've already ran my bad weather race this year...not as bad as Rick and JK's but still enough to get a pass April 21.

                          Jennifer mm#1231

                            Wow. I finally emerge out from under a pile of tax returns, and this is waiting for me. Just awesome, Rick & JK. If this doesn't get me ready to run Charlottesville on Saturday, nothing will. And Jake, I grew up there, and you did a great job of describing NW Ohio in early Spring. Thanks for the inspiration guys, and congratulations.

                            Another Passion

                              Wow. I finally emerge out from under a pile of tax returns, and this is waiting for me. Just awesome, Rick & JK. If this doesn't get me ready to run Charlottesville on Saturday, nothing will. And Jake, I grew up there, and you did a great job of describing NW Ohio in early Spring. Thanks for the inspiration guys, and congratulations.
                              Thanks, Kevin. JK has a gift doesn't he. He could always move back to the area and get a job as a meteorologist. Just like with running topics... he doesn't even have to be right. Big grin You and my sister were smart and moved more southerly. She has lived in Richmond for like 14 years after having moved there from southern Cal. I am a slow learner. Roll eyes MTA: Good luck in your race Saturday. Is it the popular 10 miler they have there?

                              "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                              "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                              Another Passion

                                Beer was not mentioned. And I assumed you'd be in a coma. You're a stud. The Detroit Marathon starts in 6 months, 2 days, 22 hours, and 24 minutes. Looks kinda fun. http://www.detroitmarathon.com/ Just sayin'.
                                It does have the "Underwater Mile" in the tunnel through the Detroit river between Windsor, Ontario, CA and Detroit. I wonder if we would need a passport? Or is that not till 2009? Confused

                                "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                                "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby
