marathon training slump (Read 776 times)


    Any of you guys suffering from marathon training? I am generallt run down, trying to find any advice on what kind of food you eat which gives you a boost/makes you feel better?

    "I've been following Eddy's improvement over the last two years on this site, and it's been pretty dang solid. Sure the weekly mileage has been up and down, but over the long haul he's getting out the door and has turned himself into quite a runner. He's only now just figuring out his potential. Consistency in running is measured in years, not weeks. And over the last couple of years, Eddy's made great strides" Jeff 14 Jan 2009

      Smoothies. Although I make my own quite a bit, I stop by the local Jamba Juice every now and again. I have the Power (i.e. "Big Gulp" size) Strawberry Surfrider or Banana Berry with 3 shots of whey protein. 152 grams of carbs and 38 grams of protein (4:1 ratio). It's a great way to 1.) recover and 2.) carb-load, but I drink them more because it tastes like a beach party in my mouth.
        For some reason I find myself craving peanut butter more than usual, hardly a day goes by without chowing some down. I am eating more, but for the most part it's my normal (not so great) diet. I don't really do anything very different nutritionally. I think getting more sleep and rest will probably give you more noticeable results than big changes to your diet.

        Greater Lowell Road Runners
        Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

        May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

          Any of you guys suffering from marathon training? I am generallt run down
          Eddy - this is just an observation (and I have only run one marathon 20+ years ago) so take my advise as you will. But your being run down from Marathon training might have more to do with your training then your eating. It looks like your miles per week and miles per month are not very consistent and my rather inexperienced opinion is that you would probably feel a lot better, and do a lot better if you would get more consistent in your weekly and monthly mileage....

          Champions are made when no one is watching

          Why is it sideways?

            Eddy - this is just an observation (and I have only run one marathon 20+ years ago) so take my advise as you will. But your being run down from Marathon training might have more to do with your training then your eating. It looks like your miles per week and miles per month are not very consistent and my rather inexperienced opinion is that you would probably feel a lot better, and do a lot better if you would get more consistent in your weekly and monthly mileage....
            I agree. Except it might not even be your training. It could be training + everything else in life. Keep running, get stronger, make running a daily habit, like brushing your teeth, and it will get as easy and normal to get out the door as it is to brush your teeth. Plus, it's marathon training. You should be tired.


              Eddy - this is just an observation (and I have only run one marathon 20+ years ago) so take my advise as you will. But your being run down from Marathon training might have more to do with your training then your eating. It looks like your miles per week and miles per month are not very consistent and my rather inexperienced opinion is that you would probably feel a lot better, and do a lot better if you would get more consistent in your weekly and monthly mileage....
              I have had previous issues with consistency, but have treied to sort tthat out this yr. In fact I have been happy with my mileage, my recent slump being due to an achilles problem that i did in a race, but now I am back up and consistent.

              "I've been following Eddy's improvement over the last two years on this site, and it's been pretty dang solid. Sure the weekly mileage has been up and down, but over the long haul he's getting out the door and has turned himself into quite a runner. He's only now just figuring out his potential. Consistency in running is measured in years, not weeks. And over the last couple of years, Eddy's made great strides" Jeff 14 Jan 2009

                Sleep is crucial - get an extra hour of sleep every other night while your marathon training as you will be more tired than usual.

                  Sleep is crucial - get an extra hour of sleep every other night while your marathon training as you will be more tired than usual.
                  Hahaha. Good one. Also, quit your job and just put your feet up and listen to music between runs.

                  Runners run

                    Actually you could just get someone else to run the marathon for you. I've heard Mikey is pretty good, you could follow his progress in the race via the interweb....

                    Puttin' on the foil

                      I just read an article that adding sleep is good, but adding the amount of sleep you get before midnight is the key. I've been trying to go to bed when I get home from work at 6:00. (Screw the kids, they can put themselves to bed.) I'm kidding, I really go to bed at 7:00.

                      Don't be obsessed with your desires Danny. The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.'