Lower shins cramping up (Read 392 times)

    My lower shins have been cramping up about 1/2 mile into the run. Not all of my runs, about 1 or 2 a week. I've been stretching the area as much as possible, but it does not always help. Normally I have to stop 2-3 times during the run and stretch. After about 2 miles I'm fine. Any ideas?
      I saw a PT for the same problem (well...the cramped up shins led to pretty bad shin splints, which led me to PT). Here's what I've done: 1. Orthotics (my feet suck) 2. New shoes (old ones were worn out) 3. LOTS of calf stretching (like 6 times a day...whenever I go to the bathroom, I stretch my calves while I'm washing my hands) 4. Shorter stride length/faster cadence 5. Shin strengthening (toe lifts, etc) Seems to be working thus far, though I just got back into running after a 3 month hiatus.
      2009 Goals:
      PR 5K (Ha, current 43:10)
      Run a 10K
      Meet Seasonal Weight Loss Challenges
      Complete my first Sprint Tri