How many miles? (Read 1323 times)


    Just wondering how many miles everyone gets out of there shoes???
      I've been on a Kayano kick for the last year or so and generally get 300. Not running in them on this cycle.

      "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


      I fly.

        About 300.

        Bring it on.

        On My Horse

          I'm a bit over 500 into my Adidas Supernova Cushion 7s. I always get hurt when the shoes are new, not when they are old. This pair is beginning to get visibly worn down on the tread on the bottom, but until I can start feeling it in my knees, they are still good.

          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies with in us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


            300-500 depending on the shoes. Usually closer to 300 it seems.

            HTFU?  Why not!

            USATF Coach

            Empire Tri Club Coach
            Gatorade Endurance Team


              500-600 - They still seem ok at this level, but I throw them out anyway - after 700 they are done for sure Asics 1100 series

              Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                It depends on the shoe. I have had a pair that wore out after 50 miles and I have another that lasted over 700. But for the most part I replace them after 500 or 600.

                  I've over 700 in one pair and just ran a HM in them last weekend and most likely will get 1000 miles or more out of them. This question gets lots of different responses based on the runner. I like and run in flats so there is nothing to wear out => high miles. Others can't do this so they get different mileage. Best advice I received was wear them until they don't feel right but before they cause a problem. If you listen to your body signals, you can develop your personal baseline.

                  "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                  "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                    350-400 or until my left knee hurts when I bend it to sit down.



                    A Saucy Wench

                      I have chronic metatarsalgia, so I move shoes out of the long run category by about 250-300 miles. If I baby them along for short runs and treadmill work I can squeeze another 100 miles out of them before my shins feel it. I have wayyyy too many pairs in that babying stage right now. Dont want to throw away 50 miles, but damn my shoe rack is FULL.

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                      Self Portrait

                          500-600 - They still seem ok at this level, but I throw them out anyway - after 700 they are done for sure Asics 1100 series
                          The phrase 'Your mileage may vary' seems appropriate here. I've also been using the Asics 1100 series for a while. I buy two pair at a time and alternate using them. I'm pretty aware of when my shoes get worn and I have a knee, actually an IT band, that lets me know about it if the shoes get too worn. I recently got a couple of new pair because they were on sale ($90 for two pair of shoes is a good deal) and when I looked at the mileage on the old ones it was over 2400 between the two pair. They also still look pretty good and there's virtually no wear on the sole. This isn't unusual for me, I've often had 1000 miles out of a pair of shoes. The difference between DoppleBock and myself could be due to weight or running surface but I think it indicates that even with the same pair of shoes different people can get very different mileages. John
                          Goal: Age grade over 80% on a certified course.


                            I have low arches and every running store that i have been to tells me that i should were shoes with some stability. I have tried different ones a few times with zero success! The only shoes i can run in are flexible neutrals. The problem is I only can get about 250-275 miles out of them 300 tops. Thats a lot of shoes per year. any advice? by the way I have currently been running in the Saucony Pro Grid Triumph 5's for about 8 months and I'mon my 3rd pair. oh, and I race in flats and have no problems?

                            Arrogant Bastard....Ale

                              I have low arches and every running store that i have been to tells me that i should were shoes with some stability. I have tried different ones a few times with zero success! The only shoes i can run in are flexible neutrals. The problem is I only can get about 250-275 miles out of them 300 tops. Thats a lot of shoes per year. any advice? by the way I have currently been running in the Saucony Pro Grid Triumph 5's for about 8 months and I'mon my 3rd pair. oh, and I race in flats and have no problems?
                              What happens that makes you need to get rid of them after 300 miles? Foot pain, knee pain,.....? Right now I am at 630 and 460 miles for my pairs of Asics Kanbarra 2. There about as cheap as they go ($40 anytime at the local department store, Kohl's). My toes are almost popping out, so the rubber wear is significant (200 lbs).

                                I have no advice on what type of shoe you should be wearing, rickyb (though I'm not sure you should be fixing something if it ain't broke), but I have complete duck feet and get 250-300 miles out of my shoes myself. Used to think it was just my Nikes but, no, same thing's happening now with my Brooks, and my first pair of Mizunos seems on its way out too--and the way I know it is because my knees start to tell me they're feeling the road. I rotate two pairs of shoes, different models. I'm not sure whether this would help you but in my own twisted way it makes me feel like it helps me--it doesn't necessarily stretch out the mileage, but since I run almost every day at least it's letting the "bounciness" return to the shoe before I go out in it again.

                                Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (Heb. 12:1b)
                                Mile by Mile
