The COVID-19 Wild West Thread (Read 602 times)


3 months til Masters

    Cal- because all lives are not at equal risk of death by police.


    Deal with the big issues first.

    2023 Goals

    Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

    10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

    5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

    Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

    Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


    2024 Goals

    Sub 2:37 Marathon

    Sub 1:15 Half

    Sub 34 10k

    Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)




      Ok, a sincere question. Because I do not understand something really really important, looks like. Sacramento King's announcer Grant Napear in his tweet said this: "ALL LIVES MATTER...EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!". As a result he was fired from the basketball team and from the radio. I really apologize if I sound like an incompetent person, but what did he say wrong? I honestly do not understand.


      I don’t know anything about the story so I’m just basing this comment on what you are saying.


      The guy’s job is to be the public face of a team in a sport composed of >90% African American athletes, with a high percentage of African American fans. He makes a public statement that best case, is dismissive of the Black Lives Matter movement. If you want to give him all possible benefit of the doubt, it’s astonishingly tone deaf, and he’s clearly in the wrong job. 

      Perhaps you do not fully understand this, if you have not kept up with current events the last few years. But I assure you, in his position, he does.


      MTA: dpschumacher - I was literally just about to hunt for that exact cartoon.


      Running Problem

      Problem Child

        So we’ve gone from COVID 19 banning public gatherings to police brutality mandating them. Crazy times we are living in. You see the mass gatherings in Boston where we couldn’t run a marathon just 2 months ago during the pandemic of COVID-19? More people are going to die because people aren’t obeying social distancing measures or wearing their protective masks in public. Amazing how runners can’t get together.

        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

        VDOT 53.37 

        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


        Mmmm Bop

          I wonder what Amy Cooper thinks of the recent mass gatherings. 🤔

          5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)

            Back in CV19 news;


            I saw a headline that some countries are looking at ibuprofen as a treatment for CV19 symptoms. It wasn't that long ago when we were warned that anti-inflamatories might make conditions WORSE.




            Like I mentioned before, we don't have enough data related to CV19 to make any concrete conclusions.

            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


            Good Bad & The Monkey

              The warnings against Ibu were never recommended in the US. They were based on some confounded data out of France. VERY early on, we were advised that Ibu seems to portend to added risk.


              I saw a headline that some countries are looking at ibuprofen as a treatment for CV19 symptoms. It wasn't that long ago when we were warned that anti-inflamatories might make conditions WORSE.


              Good Bad & The Monkey

                These are actually different viruses. Shingles (which is also the chicken pox virus) is Herpes Virus 3. Cold sores are Herpes Virus 1 or 2. So the issue is not where it takes root, but which virus you get. Interestingly, Herpes Virus 4 is not a blister producing virus - it is mononucleosis. There are others as well.


                Without remembering much from college biology, I wondered about this virus causing different symptoms and problems depending on where it takes root, like the herpes virus (shingles, fever blister, other sores...).

                Running Problem

                Problem Child

                  I wonder what Amy Cooper thinks of the recent mass gatherings. 🤔


                  Doesn’t matter. Her view would be racist anyways.

                  Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                  VDOT 53.37 

                  5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                    These are actually different viruses. Shingles (which is also the chicken pox virus) is Herpes Virus 3. Cold sores are Herpes Virus 1 or 2. So the issue is not where it takes root, but which virus you get. Interestingly, Herpes Virus 4 is not a blister producing virus - it is mononucleosis. There are others as well.



                    thanks for the clarification! My knowledge from 30-40 years ago is muddy at best.

                    60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                      Amy Cooper got her dog back, BTW.


                      As for "all lives matter", I realize that after 6 years of trying to explain why it is hurtful, some people STILL don't understand and turn the "no man, I'm being innocent and kind!" knob up to 11... I do not know why this still happens, but it does. Most of the time that this gets whipped out, though, it isn't innocent at all.


                      Anyway. That cartoon is ok, but gets used all the time. Here's a more recent version, goes something like this:

                      Imagine that your child has died and you are posting in facebook or twitter about your kid's death, what the kid meant to you and others, and how you were feeling. Now imagine another adult shows up in your thread swaggering with "all kids matter! WHAT ABOUT MY KID!???" (who, btw, happens to be alive). 

                      How would that make you feel?


                      Ok, it's something like that. Except that for some of us, we've been dealing with this shit all our lives.

                      Prince of Fatness

                        Amy Cooper got her dog back, BTW.


                        As for "all lives matter", I realize that after 6 years of trying to explain why it is hurtful, some people STILL don't understand and turn the "no man, I'm being innocent and kind!" knob up to 11... I do not know why this still happens, but it does. Most of the time that this gets whipped out, though, it isn't innocent at all.


                        Anyway. That cartoon is ok, but gets used all the time. Here's a more recent version, goes something like this:

                        Imagine that your child has died and you are posting in facebook or twitter about your kid's death, what the kid meant to you and others, and how you were feeling. Now imagine another adult shows up in your thread swaggering with "all kids matter! WHAT ABOUT MY KID!???" (who, btw, happens to be alive). 

                        How would that make you feel?


                        Ok, it's something like that. Except that for some of us, we've been dealing with this shit all our lives.


                        All that I know is that as a 57 yo white guy I can run down a street in GA without having two good old boys track me down in a pickup truck and pull guns on me. Or if I got arrested for passing a counterfeit bill I wouldn’t have even been taken to the ground let alone had a cop mash his knee on my neck for 9 minutes while I was handcuffed. 

                        Pretty easy to figure out what BLM is about looking at it that way.


                        MTA: Put the right crime in there to make BR happy.

                        Not at it at all. 


                          I assure you that telling those stories (and all the ones that existed in 2014, 2015, etc etc etc) completely bounce on the "all lives matter" crowd.


                          You are right, of course, and it seems like common sense.

                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child


                            All that I know is that as a 57 yo white guy I can run down a street in GA without having two good old boys track me down in a pickup truck and pull guns on me. Or if I got arrested for passing a bad check I wouldn’t have even been taken to the ground let alone had a cop mash his knee on my neck for 9 minutes while I was handcuffed. 

                            Pretty easy to figure out what BLM is about looking at it that way.


                            Who writes checks anymore? Those things went digital back in the early 2000s. You can't "pass a bad check"


                            Covid 19 doesn't care about your runs through Georiga either so keep it on topic. Start your own a new thread to talk about race relations in America.

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                            Prince of Fatness

                              Who writes checks anymore? Those things went digital back in the early 2000s. You can't "pass a bad check"


                              Covid 19 doesn't care about your runs through Georiga either so keep it on topic. Start your own a new thread to talk about race relations in America.


                              Hmm. A handful of posts about race relations before mine and yet you single mine out. Not sure whether that’s good or bad.

                              Not at it at all. 


                              Good Bad & The Monkey

                                It was a $20 bill that the cashier suspected was counterfeit.