I want to run a marathon in under 4 hours and I'm struggling. (Read 278 times)



    When one commits to mileage it can be done quickly with daily running,  doubles, maybe even triples. if you have the time.

    12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

    2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

    4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

    5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




      Well I ran a Half Marathon today and got a new PB of 1:44 (my past PB was 1:51) I'm slowly getting better and it's thanks to the great advice you guys gave me. I really hope my progress will translate to a better time when I do my next full marathon!


        Congrats on the PB.

        PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


        40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


        2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


        2024 PRs: 5km 20:25

          Well I ran a Half Marathon today and got a new PB of 1:44 (my past PB was 1:51) I'm slowly getting better and it's thanks to the great advice you guys gave me. I really hope my progress will translate to a better time when I do my next full marathon!


          Congratulations on a big PR.  With a 1:44, if you consistently run 70-80 km/week, sub 4 is almost a foregone conclusion.  To be consistent you need to train smart.  That means no stunts (like running 100 miles in a week), not too many short intervals, and adding some non running strength/stretching routines a couple of times during the week.


            Well I ran a Half Marathon today and got a new PB of 1:44 (my past PB was 1:51) I'm slowly getting better and it's thanks to the great advice you guys gave me. I really hope my progress will translate to a better time when I do my next full marathon!


            That's great--congrats!

            Runners run


              Well I got another PB last night, this time for a 30KM. My new 30KM is 2:42. I did the Shakespeare Runs The Night 30K in Toronto, Canada.


              My previous PB for 30KM was 2:49 so I shaved off 7 minutes.


              How am I doing everyone? Am I still on course to get under 4 hours for a marathon? Thanks as always for all your help.


                How am I doing everyone? Am I still on course to get under 4 hours for a marathon? Thanks as always for all your help.

                First congrats on another PB, enjoy that feeling.  There may come a time when you wont be making such rapid progress.


                How would other people's opinion help you run your goal?  You know the work that needs to be put in, and if you are doing better than that, you will be faster, if not you'll know what needs to be done for the next race.


                Pace Prophet

                  Well I got another PB last night, this time for a 30KM. My new 30KM is 2:42. I did the Shakespeare Runs The Night 30K in Toronto, Canada.


                  My previous PB for 30KM was 2:49 so I shaved off 7 minutes.


                  How am I doing everyone? Am I still on course to get under 4 hours for a marathon? Thanks as always for all your help.


                  Well, your half PB is equivalent to about a 2:32 30k, so you are showing signs of poor endurance (which is typical for most people who don't run sufficient mileage or haven't been running for a long time).  This suggests that you're going to have a hard time reaching your calculated equivalent for a marathon.


                    It was extremely hot during the 30K and even some elite runners were struggling and got way below their PB's.


                      runnermacoy, please consider sharing your running log. I was maybe going to throw in something, but I needed to see a couple of months of data for that.

                      Just saying.


                        In July, I ran 272 KM.


                        In June, I ran 280 KM.


                        I generally run 70 to 80 KM a week and do one big run weekly with lots of 10-15K runs on the other days.


                        That's all I really keep track of.


                          Some people get to race good marathons on that mileage. I have the same opinion as ilanarama, though,that  you should expect a slower time than what the race predictors will say. Not many people manage to run a marathon at the equivalent time given by those.


                          But at the end of the day, those are opinions, and you'll have your answer on race day.


                          Keep the training volume high, and have a realistic race day marathon time objective, and that's all you can really do.


                          Good luck!

                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child

                            Do you do any speed work or hard runs? If it’s all easy pace it’s going to take much longer to improve. If you’re currently running 70-80K/week comfortably you may benefit from speed work or some marathon effort runs during the week. I say this as someone who ran his first marathon in 3:56 then took about 33 minutes off with a very good plan and a very good marathon race.

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



                              Keep plugging away, i think you are on track.  Just build a big base.  Then add a few workouts and get your long runs in.  Doesn't have to be weekly.  I think a 3 week build, 1 week recovery works well.

                              12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                              2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                              4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                              5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




                                Well guys I did it. Ran Chicago Marathon in 3:54 and I'm so proud!
