A good old fashioned runner v. jogger donnybrook (Read 1788 times)

    It's like a more entertaining version of your blog.
    Thank you for even acknowledging that there may be a crumb of entertainment in my blog, dear Overlord.




      Scout, definitely a jogger.
      Effin right.


        I wouldn't mind a peek at Nobby's log. Blush
        Oooh, me too! Blush ...wait..what?


        Runners run


        Good Bad & The Monkey

          Thank you for even acknowledging that there may be a crumb of entertainment in my blog, dear Overlord.
          Speaking of our blog...I'm beginning to think that you are just a resolution blogger.

            I feel better now....
              a resolution blogger.
              Sorry. I've had this annoyance called "work" lately. It has really interfered with not working.




                Thank you for even acknowledging that there may be a crumb of entertainment in my blog, dear Overlord.
                Hey, I give credit where credit is due. I'm tough but fair. Kinda like a coach, really.

                Why is it sideways?


                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    Sorry. I've had this annoyance called "work" lately. It has really interfered with not working.
                    Since you wear tights and are clearly not a runner, why don't you cut back on your jogging for a few minutes an entertain us.
                    Hey, I give credit where credit is due. I'm tough but fair. Kinda like a coach, really.
                    Scout. You are doing great.

                      Scout. You are doing great.
                      Well, duh. Look at the big brain on Trent.

                        Excellent channeling of The430miler, Jeff. But what if you have the Runner's mentality but the Jogger's physicality? What then?

                        Runners run


                        I've got a fever...

                          MTA: to add Globule for clarification. And he has to do it in his 40s.
                          Whew, thank Phelps for the clarification. That means I still have a few years to increase my TESTICULAR FORTITUDE and better learn to CHANNEL MY HATE.

                          On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                          I've got a fever...

                            I'm tough but fair. Kinda like Coach Ditka, really, but without the great hair and 'stache.

                            On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                            Why is it sideways?

                              Excellent channeling of The430miler, Jeff. But what if you have the Runner's mentality but the Jogger's physicality? What then?
                              As we all know mentallity >> physicality and eventually the RUNNER'S mentality will come to DOMINATE the jogger's physicality. Lety me tell you a story once when I was young i was JOGGING (YES THIS IS HARD TO BELIVE BUT HERE ME OUT) because I did not yet have the MENTALITY of the runner. I cna't remember where I was going but maybe it was after soccer practice AND THEn my cross-country coach told me that I WAS WASTING MY BODY's TRUE POTENTIAL by jogging and he said to come out for track practice. So I stepped on the track with the guys and we all took our sweaty shirts off and it was then that It dawned on me that RUNNING = MANLINESS. After my realization, my calves got really strong and I started getting really lithe and running on my toes and wearing spikes. i kid you not after that moment I did not run SLOWER THAN 7:00 PER MILE again. The moral of the story is that YOUR MIND UIS ALWAYS STRONGER THAN YOUR BODY. Think fast and you will be fast and if you are not fast that means that you are not having enough testicular fortitude in your mind.
                                SPEED THROUGH HATE.
                                I'm getting faster with each comment.