A good old fashioned runner v. jogger donnybrook (Read 1788 times)

    But if it's a donnybrook yer after lad, you'll get one for sure.
    While this certainly qualifies as a donnybrook by virtue of its exemplary use of TESTICULAR FORTITUDE, can it really be old fashioned with so much emphasis on brightly colored Spandex?

    Greater Lowell Road Runners
    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


      Whew, thank Phelps for the clarification. That means I still have a few years to increase my TESTICULAR FORTITUDE and better learn to CHANNEL MY HATE.
      According to the times in your own sig, you were NEVER a MAN, even in the 20th Century.

      The process is the goal.

      Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

      Jazz hands!

        run run run AHHHHHH run run run

          testicle schmesticle.


            According to the times in your own sig, you were NEVER a MAN, even in the 20th Century.
            If you can learn to toss in a weight-related insult or two, you will make an excellent coach.

            Greater Lowell Road Runners
            Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

            May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


              As we all know mentallity >> physicality and eventually the RUNNER'S mentality will come to DOMINATE the jogger's physicality. Lety me tell you a story once when I was young i was JOGGING (YES THIS IS HARD TO BELIVE BUT HERE ME OUT) because I did not yet have the MENTALITY of the runner. I cna't remember where I was going but maybe it was after soccer practice AND THEn my cross-country coach told me that I WAS WASTING MY BODY's TRUE POTENTIAL by jogging and he said to come out for track practice. So I stepped on the track with the guys and we all took our sweaty shirts off and it was then that It dawned on me that RUNNING = MANLINESS. After my realization, my calves got really strong and I started getting really lithe and running on my toes and wearing spikes. i kid you not after that moment I did not run SLOWER THAN 7:00 PER MILE again. The moral of the story is that YOUR MIND UIS ALWAYS STRONGER THAN YOUR BODY. Think fast and you will be fast and if you are not fast that means that you are not having enough testicular fortitude in your mind.
              AWESOME STUFF, BRO. +1 I get what your saying about the MENTALITY of the runner. THis is hwat it takes to be the best you can be in your physiological career.

              Runners run

              Jazz hands!

                THis is twat it takes to be the best you can be in your physiological career.
                Wrong genitals. Have you not been paying attention?
                run run run AHHHHHH run run run

                  hwat twat schmwat.



                    You know what would be great? Jogger vs. Runner widget for the summary page. I know Eric is working on a Pace Bunny widget for those dolts who can't take their yearly mileage goals and divide by 12 or 52, but even more useful would be one that tells you each day whether you're a jogger or a runner. It could even turn a different color like Pink if you were a jogger that day and something manly like Black if you were a RUNNER.

                    Runners run


                    I've got a fever...

                      you were NEVER a MAN, even in the 20th Century.
                      Your mom BEGS to differ.

                      On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                        Pink if you were a jogger that day
                        I see what you did there.



                          Doh, my bad. I meant fuchsia.

                          Runners run


                            Can we give it claws and teeth dripping red blood for when it is a runner? Because that would be cool. Plus, it would enhance the idea that speed is something scary. At least, Trent says it is.

                            Good Bad & The Monkey
